
  1. geoniz

    [Share]Some Maps/Dungeons locations-RadarMap/Minimap for Classic

    inside the archive there are some maps from iconic locations (Hall of Flames/Pagan Temple/Stakato Nest/Mithril Mines(with floors) aswell a refined -more collorized/darkened- world map there is also a fix included for the zone and maps for anakim/lilith dungeons there are also some images for...
  2. fa1thDEV

    Looking Someone who know fix maps?, current situation and info

    Hello, I'm attempting to fix the Fafurion map for Lucera2. However, they're asking for $50 for this fix, which seems like a scam to me. Additionally, for just the quadrant 25_24 with geodata, they're asking for $300, which is half of what I earn per month in my country (Argentina). Due to...