add skill target types like pts?


on PTS files skilldata.txt describes target_type of each skill with:

(here is the target value/target_type
in addition on some target types like: affect_scope=fan there is this extra setting:
fan_range={0;180;1000;120} which is not present on luc
is this configures the area of attack? like which angle (NSEW) the effect will take place?

on L2j as well as in lucera we find the same values in model/Skill
and here are some comparisons to each target_type translated from pts to l2j
|____________ L2J _______________|______PTS________|
|TARGET_ONE_________________ =____single______|
|TARGET_AURA _______________=____fan / range |
|TARGET_AREA_AIM_CORPSE =______range_____|
|TARGET_AREA ________________=_____ range_____|
|TARGET_MULTIFACE __________=______fan_______|

and some values that are not present on l2 j:
square / square_pb / point_blank

what can be done in order to make these missing target_types?
or to match the mechanics of how pts decide the target angle/range etc
there is even a seperate special target_type used for Valakas Meteor skill.

is used in skill [s_valakas_meteor_storm] skill_id=4690
There is no point, this is just renaming it. The essence will not change in any way, and users are already accustomed to this style.
There is no point, this is just renaming it. The essence will not change in any way, and users are already accustomed to this style.
of course i don't speak of rename ....
the essence of question is:
if some of these are missing in luc
like the example of valakas skill
well if they already exist under another name, then what is "affect_scope=square" equal to?
of course i don't speak of rename ....
the essence of question is:
if some of these are missing in luc
like the example of valakas skill
well if they already exist under another name, then what is "affect_scope=square" equal to?
  <skill id="2231" levels="1" name="Amulet: Protection of Valakas">
            Amulet: Protection of Valakas. Increases one's resistance to attack when Valakas' attacks with its front claws.
    <set name="magicType" val="SPECIAL"/> 
    <set name="icon" val="icon.etc_blesscharm_ward_val_i00"/> 
    <set name="reuseDelay" val="1000"/> 
    <set name="magicLevel" val="75"/> 
    <set name="hitTime" val="1000"/> 
    <set name="hitCancelTime" val="500"/> 
    <set name="itemConsumeId" val="6652"/> 
    <set name="itemConsumeCount" val="1"/> 
    <set name="isHandler" val="true"/> 
    <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/> 
    <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/> 
    <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/> 
    <set name="altUse" val="true"/> 
      <effect count="1" name="Buff" time="1200" val="0">
        <mul order="0x30" stat="pDef" val="1.11">
          <target mobId="29028"/>
        <mul order="0x30" stat="mDef" val="1.11">
          <target mobId="29028"/>
  <skill id="2231" levels="1" name="Amulet: Protection of Valakas">
            Amulet: Protection of Valakas. Increases one's resistance to attack when Valakas' attacks with its front claws.
    <set name="magicType" val="SPECIAL"/>
    <set name="icon" val="icon.etc_blesscharm_ward_val_i00"/>
    <set name="reuseDelay" val="1000"/>
    <set name="magicLevel" val="75"/>
    <set name="hitTime" val="1000"/>
    <set name="hitCancelTime" val="500"/>
    <set name="itemConsumeId" val="6652"/>
    <set name="itemConsumeCount" val="1"/>
    <set name="isHandler" val="true"/>
    <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
    <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/>
    <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/>
    <set name="altUse" val="true"/>
      <effect count="1" name="Buff" time="1200" val="0">
        <mul order="0x30" stat="pDef" val="1.11">
          <target mobId="29028"/>
        <mul order="0x30" stat="mDef" val="1.11">
          <target mobId="29028"/>
affect_scope=balakas_scope <-this is about magic skill Meteor of valakas....thats what i ask, how will the mechanic of skill 4690 will work?
now it is set like : TARGET_AURA

in addition to your post: "Increases one's resistance to attack when Valakas' attacks with its front claws" <- where resist? just by mob id 29028?
does this have to do with the target=TARGET_MULTIFACE that is used by valakas?
Are you know how work balakas_scope because I dont.
decrease physical attack from valakas

If you know how it works, with proofs, of course balakas_scope can be implemented
Are you know how work balakas_scope because I dont.
decrease physical attack from valakas

If you know how it works, with proofs, of course balakas_scope can be implemented
yes ok i get it 2231 is just "resist type" skill and it adds resistance from specific mob which is valakas in this case.
concerning the scope effect, is a "special" area dmg effect that valakas use to attack enemies under TARGETED AREA effect
i will do my research and will see if i come up with anything, this is one of the almost never seen features of the game