Armor Set Guide

Guide to Working with armor_set.xml

1. Structure of the armor_set.xml File
The armor_set.xml file is used to describe various armor sets. Armor sets are defined in XML format, describing the components of the set as well as the skills they provide. Below is an example of the file structure:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE list SYSTEM "armor_sets.dtd">
    <set id="1" chest="23;70096" legs="2386;70097" head="43;70095" skills="3500-1" />
    <set id="2" chest="1101;70099" legs="1104;70100" head="44;70098" skills="3501-1" />

Each set (tag <set>) represents a specific combination of armor pieces and has unique characteristics and skills.

2. Main Attributes of Set Elements
Each <set> element in the armor_set.xml file has the following attributes:

  • id - a unique identifier for the armor set.
  • chest, legs, head, gloves, feet, shield - IDs of the items included in the armor set. Each ID can be specified as a single value or a list separated by semicolons.
  • skills - the ID of the skill that the player receives when wearing the entire set.
  • shield_skills - the ID of the skill that is granted when using a shield in the set.
  • enchant6skills - the ID of the skill that activates when all parts of the set are enchanted to +6 or higher. Also, you can set enchant6skills enchant7skills enchant8skills .... enchant128skills
  • parts2skills, parts3skills - skills that activate when two or three parts of the set are equipped. parts2skills, parts3skills, parts4skills, parts5skills etc.

3. Example of Adding a New Armor Set
To add a new armor set, you need to add a new <set> tag to the armor_set.xml file with all the necessary attributes. For example, let's add an armor set with a unique ID of 53:

<set id="53" chest="6390" legs="6391" head="6392" gloves="6393" feet="6394" skills="3557-1" enchant6skills="3626-1" />

This set consists of five armor pieces and grants a skill with ID 3557 when the entire set is worn, as well as an additional skill 3626 when all parts are enchanted to +6 or higher.

4. Features of Working with the XML File
- Missing Armor Parts: A set may not include all possible parts (e.g., without a shield or helmet). In this case, the corresponding attribute is simply omitted.
- Shields and Shield Skills: If the set includes a shield, you can add the shield_skills attribute to specify the skills that will be activated when it is equipped.
- Skills for Wearing Part of the Set: For some sets, you can configure skills that activate when several parts of the set are equipped, using the parts2skills and parts3skills attributes.

5. Useful Tips for Configuring Sets
- Testing Changes: After making changes to the armor_set.xml file, be sure to test the new sets in the game to ensure they are configured correctly.
- Organizing Sets: Try to follow a consistent format to make the file easier to read and modify.
- XML Validation: Use XML validators to avoid syntax errors when editing the file. (Trow to Chrome or open it in Chrome)
[13:28:26] WARN Unknown skill: 17010
<skill id="17010" levels="1" name="Heavy set Set">
    <set name="icon" val="l2evo.evoau"/> 
    <set name="magicLevel" val="1"/> 
    <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/> 
    <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/> 
    <set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE"/> 
      <mul order="0x30" stat="pDef" val="1.10"/>  <!-- 10% pdef -->
        <mul order="0x30" stat="mDef" val="1.10"/>  <!-- 10% mdef -->
        <add order="0x40" stat="runSpd" val="8"/>
        <mul order="0x30" stat="maxHp" val="1.10"/>
        <mul order="0x30" stat="maxCp" val="1.10"/>

@Deazer why I get this warning when I use it with the parts5skills

<set id="56" chest="9600" head="9603" gloves="9601" feet="9602" skills="11001-1" enchant6skills="9000-1" parts5skills="17010" enchant16skills="17001-1" />
[13:28:26] WARN Unknown skill: 17010
<skill id="17010" levels="1" name="Heavy set Set">
    <set name="icon" val="l2evo.evoau"/>
    <set name="magicLevel" val="1"/>
    <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
    <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/>
    <set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE"/>
      <mul order="0x30" stat="pDef" val="1.10"/>  <!-- 10% pdef -->
        <mul order="0x30" stat="mDef" val="1.10"/>  <!-- 10% mdef -->
        <add order="0x40" stat="runSpd" val="8"/>
        <mul order="0x30" stat="maxHp" val="1.10"/>
        <mul order="0x30" stat="maxCp" val="1.10"/>

@Deazer why I get this warning when I use it with the parts5skills

<set id="56" chest="9600" head="9603" gloves="9601" feet="9602" skills="11001-1" enchant6skills="9000-1" parts5skills="17010" enchant16skills="17001-1" />