# Allow Sell items remote from any NPC. Enable if it is need to sell from BBS
# Bypass form BBS sell _bbsselllist
AltAllowRemoteSellItems = True
# Configuration for specifying custom bypasses that will not be obfuscated and can be used directly.
# You can add any available bypasses, such as user_acp or user_farmstart for auto farming, and so on.
AltSimpleBypassAllowed = _mrsl,_diary,_match,manor_menu_select,bypass -h npc_%objectId%_lang ru,bypass -h npc_%objectId%_lang en,_olympiad,_dispel,_bbsselllist <-add this
AltBBSBypassAllowed = _bbshome,_bbsgetfav,_bbslink,_bbsloc,_bbsclan,_bbsmemo,_maillist_0_1_0_,_friendlist_0_,_bbsaddfav,_bbsselllist <-add this