How can I increase the Rate drop chance for all mobs?

There is a file called guide there I have all the details...
RateDropItems = 1879, 1875
RateDrop = 4
InputFolder = npc
OutputFolder = npc_new
thabk for your reply
I’m looking for a way to change the Chance drop rate for all mobs at once. like Chance drop x3 !
@Deazer please help . !

If i change the # Items drop rate It looks like the drop rate and chanse changes, but Shift + Click does not display the correct information about the chanse . This could be due to a bug in the drop information display system?
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Since I write everything in the guide file.
  • Windows:
    1. Download Python from the official website:
    2. During installation, make sure to check the option "Add Python to PATH". >>>How? just check it in
    3. Complete the installation.