How to add a restricted siege zone without clan registration

Path: data/zone
Format: XML
To limit, we take siege zone, for example:
<zone name="[gludio_castle_siege]" type="SIEGE" >
        <set name="enabled" val="false" />
        <set name="residence" val="1" />
            <coords loc="-22615 104510 -4448 3551" />
            <coords loc="-13290 104564 -4448 3551" />
            <coords loc="-13313 116950 -4448 3551" />
            <coords loc="-22638 116896 -4448 3551" />
Next, we need to add parameters to it that will introduce restrictions:
<zone name="[gludio_castle_siege]" type="SIEGE" >
        <set name="enabled" val="false" />
        <set name="residence" val="1" />
        <set name="clanSiegeLimitZone" val="true" />
        <set name="clanSiegeLimitBackLoc" val="47114 187152 -3485" />
            <coords loc="-22615 104510 -4448 3551" />
            <coords loc="-13290 104564 -4448 3551" />
            <coords loc="-13313 116950 -4448 3551" />
            <coords loc="-22638 116896 -4448 3551" />

<set name="clanSiegeLimitZone" val="true" /> - enable the restriction
<set name="clanSiegeLimitBackLoc" val="47114 187152 -3485" /> - X Y Z back coordinates is requirement too
Your ally should be able to attack and defend with you and if they own another castle they won't be able to register, but nevermind I'll use listeners to kick people out.