Path: data/zone
Format: XML
To limit, we take any zone, for example:
Next, we need to add parameters to it that will introduce restrictions:
<set name="uniqHwidLimit" val="1" /> - this is the maximum number of allowed windows with a unique HWID - in fact, 1 unique person can enter. You can set any quantity in this parameter.
<set name="uniqHwidBackLoc" val="-25464 172424 -4203" /> also you can set back coordinates
If the conditions are not met, the player will be sent to the nearest city.
Format: XML
To limit, we take any zone, for example:
<zone name="[queen_ant_epic]" type="epic" >
<coords loc="-23176 185080 -6000 -5500" />
<coords loc="-20104 185080 -6000 -5500" />
<coords loc="-20104 177928 -6000 -5500" />
<coords loc="-23176 177928 -6000 -5500" />
Next, we need to add parameters to it that will introduce restrictions:
<zone name="[queen_ant_epic]" type="epic" >
<set name="uniqHwidLimit" val="1" />
<coords loc="-23176 185080 -6000 -5500" />
<coords loc="-20104 185080 -6000 -5500" />
<coords loc="-20104 177928 -6000 -5500" />
<coords loc="-23176 177928 -6000 -5500" />
<set name="uniqHwidLimit" val="1" /> - this is the maximum number of allowed windows with a unique HWID - in fact, 1 unique person can enter. You can set any quantity in this parameter.
<set name="uniqHwidBackLoc" val="-25464 172424 -4203" /> also you can set back coordinates
If the conditions are not met, the player will be sent to the nearest city.
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