How to make npc = 1 buff in 24hrs ?


Hello everyone,

I wish to make a simple buff event npc where the player can get his special buff but only once a day.
Anyone can share any knowledge about this?

our friend above suggests this way: make an ext.jar that follows the logic of the christmas event
this event handles auto spawn of an npc, you can copy/paste this event script and just change the npc that you want to spawn
i get it. spawning a new npc is not a problem.
making this npc authorizate only 1 buff every 24 hours is the hard part.
i mean, would be a buff for 2 hours everyday and that's it.
I can suggest something else.
If this is a buff for 20 minutes, then you can make an item that will give this buff, and make the item cooldown for 24 hours
you can stick to this,
or you can make this npc spawn only once every 24 hours

or you need to also check on this .ext after the spawn of npc on talk register ip/hwid or char_name on give buff and set a delay for 24 hours...
(and store it smw in databse)
Hello everyone,

I wish to make a simple buff event npc where the player can get his special buff but only once a day.
Anyone can share any knowledge about this?

Добавь в achiv новый предмет за ежедневный вход в игру. Предмет сроком действия на 24 часа. И в обычного бафера добавь этот баф, который будет даваться за этот предмет.
Предмет сделай непередаваемым, непродаваемым, невыкидываемым.
Hello everyone,

I wish to make a simple buff event npc where the player can get his special buff but only once a day.
Anyone can share any knowledge about this?

Create a script to check the last time a buff was applied. It should not include any special parameters and should cater to all custom requirements.
We also have conditions for reusing items.
<etcitem id="10632" name="Wondrous Cubic">
<set name="class" value="OTHER"/>
<set name="crystal_type" value="NONE"/>
<set name="dropable" value="false"/>
<set name="icon" value="icon.cube_event_i00"/>
<set name="stackable" value="true"/>
<set name="tradeable" value="false"/>
<set name="reuse_type" value="EVERY_DAY_AT_6_30"/>
<set name="type" value="OTHER"/>
<skill id="2510" level="1"/>
We also have conditions for reusing items.
<etcitem id="10632" name="Wondrous Cubic">
<set name="class" value="OTHER"/>
<set name="crystal_type" value="NONE"/>
<set name="dropable" value="false"/>
<set name="icon" value="icon.cube_event_i00"/>
<set name="stackable" value="true"/>
<set name="tradeable" value="false"/>
<set name="reuse_type" value="EVERY_DAY_AT_6_30"/>
<set name="type" value="OTHER"/>
<skill id="2510" level="1"/>
that's amazing! i'll test all this options, thanks everyone