Rev.5125 Classic/Legacy [EN]


Head Developer
Staff member
  • Telegram bot for server management implemented
  • Creation of macros when creating a player:
  • Fix Npe for Vip Drop Bonuses
  • When entering Four Sepulcher, we check the distance of other party participants - if they are too far, we do not let them in and write in the chat who
  • Do not save symbols effect on relog and change sub
  • Important fix for zones. Correctly remove listeners
  • If a mistake is made in at strings - show line number in which it
  • Battle Force/Spell Force effect is not saved if the player goes offline to avoid abuse
  • Added ability to allow clan and/or party buffs for Block Buff
  • Significantly sped up the caching of HTML files during server startup
  • Fixed the display of landowners and taxes for NPCs, and also show which territory the land belongs to - Elmore or Aden
  • Dwarf's subclass does not work Dwarven Workshop
  • Fixed system message when switching subclasses
  • Fixed double registration for the Olympiad
  • Added a parameter for party, clan, alliance skills that allows not to apply a buff if the player is behind an obstacle <set name="isCheckCanSee" val="true"/>
  • Added new condition targetInTheSameAlly
  • Added custom messages by strings for cond at skills and items <cond customMessage="common.Error"><player gender="FEMALE"/></cond>
  • Added Document Type Definition for skills, but inside will not be extended so as not to change all files. If you need to add at the beginning of the file <!DOCTYPE list SYSTEM "skills.dtd">
  • Added ChangeSex effect for skills
  • Wyvern summoning correction in top CH
  • Added clan condition targetInTheSameClan for skills
  • Pumpkins scream no further than a radius of 128, so as not to spam the chat
  • Moved phrases for Pumpkins from TheFallHarvest event
  • Fix for phantoms
  • Reworked logic of spawning and despawning Totems/Raids "Magic Power of Water - Part 2" and "Magic Power of Fire - Part 2"
  • Raid spawn for quests Magical Power Of Water Part 2 and Magical Power Of Fire Part 2 36 hours
  • Rework task for telegram bot
  • Returned the Sell button for traders. Although it is already available from the buy/sell/refund tab
  • Added cond for Style Change Potion
  • Cosmtic rework for OlyRampage service
  • Correction for OlympiadWinnerReward
  • Correction for quest Alliance With Ketra Orcs