Resolved SendEffectListOnNpcTarget = True maybe send wrong effect


can anyone tell me if this is client side bug?
or is it something regarding:
# Show buffs on target Npc (default - true)
SendEffectListOnNpcTarget = True
maybe something does not translate correctly?
because in the client it also displays the ID 1068 of normal skill Might.

at Shift+Click appearing from data/stats/skills name, at a game client .... game client name
at Shift+Click appearing from data/stats/skills name, at a game client .... game client name
of course sir, but in the client it also looks okay.
there is the according skill. it is there! inside skillname_classic and skillgrp_classic even in mobanimgrp and skillsound it is there.
icons are set correctly, info is the same as the server/data/stats/skills!
but in the target it shows the might buff as the image
What is the ID of the totem?
Hmm, I think the problem is that this skill requires the use of knuckles, and for this reason, the system automatically sets the simplest Phys. buff. because using the skill is abnormal..
Most likely you will understand how to fix it.
Either give the NPC Bones, or write the same skill but with a different equipment requirement.
Хмм,думаю проблема в том что этот скилл требует использования костетов,и по этому ,система - автоматически ставит - самый простой Физ. баф. т.к использование скила ненормальное..
Скорей всего поймешь как исправить.
Либо дать нпц Костеты ,либо написать такй-же скил но с другим требованием к экиперовке.