[SHARE] - Aiox Lucera3 IL


Hello Guys, i make new form to Get Aiox Buffers in the Lucera Server Files.
Check Now!.
Everything Works Through a Dual, that after equipping the item the character receives all the skills from a character buffer, he was analyzing my files from l2off and decided to try it on the screen and it was all right !.
Remembering that you need to edit the time of the skills for the team to be selected.
You can do this in Two Ways, using the lamp configuration to put time in buffs, or by editing skill by skill !.
Soon I will post more updates.


Developer: Antônio C. Martins.
Project L2LIGHT!.


obrigado por compartilhar amigo, porém não veio o xml do dual.

@Junenhol2 a xml está tudo ai amigo, XML de SKILL, XML da DUAL, item name, weapongrp, skillname, skillgrp!
Dê uma analisada ai que você achara, mas com tudo aqui está a xml que você havia citado!.

<weapon id="14800" name="Dual Aiox">
<!-- [aiox_dual_no_status_with_buffs_skills] -->
<set name="tradeable" value="false"/>
<set name="dropable" value="false"/>
<set name="crystal_count" value="1" />
<set name="crystal_type" value="D" />
<set name="crystallizable" value="false" />
<set name="icon" value="icon.weapon_dual_sword_i00" />
<set name="price" value="1" />
<set name="rnd_dam" value="10" />
<set name="soulshots" value="1" />
<set name="spiritshots" value="1" />
<set name="type" value="DUAL" />
<set name="weight" value="1" />
<slot id="LEFT_RIGHT_HAND" />
<skill id="1204" level="2" />
<skill id="1077" level="3" />
<skill id="1062" level="2" />
<skill id="1087" level="3" />
<skill id="1242" level="3" />
<skill id="1085" level="3" />
<skill id="1086" level="2" />
<skill id="1059" level="3" />
<skill id="1304" level="3" />
<skill id="1268" level="4" />
<skill id="1048" level="6" />
<skill id="1045" level="6" />
<skill id="1068" level="3" />
<skill id="1078" level="6" />
<skill id="1303" level="2" />
<skill id="1040" level="3" />
<skill id="1035" level="4" />
<skill id="1036" level="2" />
<skill id="1243" level="6" />
<skill id="1240" level="3" />
<skill id="1259" level="4" />
<skill id="229" level="1" />
<skill id="228" level="1" />
<skill id="235" level="1" />
<skill id="239" level="1" />
<skill id="275" level="1" />
<skill id="271" level="1" />
<skill id="272" level="1" />
<skill id="273" level="1" />
<skill id="276" level="1" />
<skill id="277" level="1" />
<skill id="274" level="1" />
<skill id="307" level="1" />
<skill id="309" level="1" />
<skill id="365" level="1" />
<skill id="306" level="1" />
<skill id="308" level="1" />
<skill id="305" level="1" />
<skill id="270" level="1" />
<skill id="363" level="1" />
<skill id="364" level="1" />
<skill id="349" level="1" />
<skill id="264" level="1" />
<skill id="269" level="1" />
<skill id="266" level="1" />
<skill id="268" level="1" />
<skill id="304" level="1" />
<skill id="267" level="1" />
<skill id="310" level="1" />
<skill id="366" level="1" />
<skill id="1352" level="1" />
<skill id="1356" level="1" />
<skill id="1388" level="3" />
<skill id="1389" level="3" />
<skill id="1392" level="3" />
<skill id="1393" level="3" />
<skill id="1355" level="1" />
<skill id="1353" level="1" />
<skill id="4343" level="3" />
<skill id="1397" level="3" />
<skill id="1357" level="1" />
<skill id="1354" level="1" />
<skill id="1363" level="1" />
<skill id="1363" level="1" />
<skill id="1413" level="1" />
<skill id="1253" level="3" />
<skill id="1002" level="3" />
<skill id="1252" level="3" />
<skill id="1310" level="3" />
<skill id="1390" level="3" />
<skill id="1391" level="3" />
<skill id="1261" level="2" />
<skill id="1416" level="1" />
<skill id="1415" level="1" />
<skill id="1414" level="1" />
<skill id="1323" level="1" />
<skill id="1191" level="3" />
<skill id="1189" level="3" />
<skill id="1182" level="3" />
<skill id="1284" level="3" />
<skill id="1306" level="120" />
<skill id="1256" level="120" />
<skill id="1218" level="120" />
<skill id="4554" level="4" />
<skill id="4553" level="4" />
<skill id="4552" level="4" />
<skill id="4700" level="13" />
<skill id="4701" level="13" />
<skill id="4702" level="13" />
<skill id="4703" level="13" />
<skill id="4703" level="13" />
<skill id="14900" level="1" />
[QUOTE = "paulocg3, post: 11313, member: 4084"] Hello Guys, i make new form to Get Aiox Buffers in the Lucera Server Files.
Check Now !.
Everything Works Through a Dual, that after equipping the item the character receives all the skills from a character buffer, he was analyzing my files from l2off and decided to try it on the screen and it was all right!.
Remembering that you need to edit the time of the skills for the team to be selected.
You can do this in Two Ways, using the lamp configuration to put time in buffs, or by editing skill by skill!.
Soon I will post more updates.


Developer: Antônio C. Martins.
Project L2LIGHT!. [/ QUOTE]
Çheck your Rar File again. It missing 1 file ;)
Is there protection to use AIO only in city / clan halls? To prevent players from leaving the city / clan hall with the aio buffer and abusing it, unable to equip the weapon and buffs outside of that area.
Hello Guys, i make new form to Get Aiox Buffers in the Lucera Server Files.
Check Now!.
Everything Works Through a Dual, that after equipping the item the character receives all the skills from a character buffer, he was analyzing my files from l2off and decided to try it on the screen and it was all right !.
Remembering that you need to edit the time of the skills for the team to be selected.
You can do this in Two Ways, using the lamp configuration to put time in buffs, or by editing skill by skill !.
Soon I will post more updates.


Developer: Antônio C. Martins.
Project L2LIGHT!.
how i think, now this archive is not full... have not files in \gameserver\data\items, folder clean.
Ребят, кто нить может перезалить полный архив для люцера классик? пожалуйста.
Thanks bro, it work!) But textures on the weapon is not looks..
View attachment 4711
maybe you messed up with the ID, i see you changed it
go to weapongrp_classic and copy any dual weapon data.....

for example:
find 6580 <- Simple S grade duals, or 6620 <- hero duals
copy paste the line and change the ID to 91619 and then check.

i used dynasty daggers as reference, thay are inside the client
i don't see the reason that it doesnt show it to you
maybe you messed up with the ID, i see you changed it
go to weapongrp_classic and copy any dual weapon data.....

for example:
find 6580 <- Simple S grade duals, or 6620 <- hero duals
copy paste the line and change the ID to 91619 and then check.

i used dynasty daggers as reference, thay are inside the client
i don't see the reason that it doesnt show it to you
yes, you right. i cant save changes in Weapongrp_Classic.dat, and i dont know why only this file from full patch cant make recording. ... how you think about this?
redactor give me error: buff == null - when i try make save data

yes, you right. i cant save changes in Weapongrp_Classic.dat, and i dont know why only this file from full patch cant make recording. ... how you think about this?
redactor give me error: buff == null - when i try make save data

View attachment 4714
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