/package Anunciar;
import handler.admincommands.ScriptAdminCommand;
import l2.gameserver.handler.admincommands.IAdminCommandHandler;
import l2.gameserver.model.GameObjectsStorage;
import l2.gameserver.model.Player;
import l2.gameserver.scripts.ScriptFile;
public class RecallAll extends ScriptAdminCommand implements IAdminCommandHandler, ScriptFile
public Enum<?>[] getAdminCommandEnum()
return Commands.values();
public boolean useAdminCommand(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Enum comm, String[] args, String fullString, Player player)
final Commands command = (Commands) comm;
if (!player.getPlayerAccess().CanViewChar)
return false;
switch (command)
case admin_recall_all:
return true;
private void Recall(Player player)
for (Player otherPlayer : GameObjectsStorage.getAllPlayers())
int var1 = player.getX(); //admin Location X
int var2 = player.getY(); //admin Location Y
int var3 = player.getZ(); //admin Location Z
int var4 = player.getReflectionId(); //admin Reflection ID
otherPlayer.teleToLocation(var1+1, var2+1, var3+1, var4);// teleport everything with "for" added +1 to randomize the teleport, this solved the problem "causing char out of control"
private enum Commands
Help me complete my other mod:
I need you to check if the item was dropped from a mob, it is just validating the ids currently
[SHARE] Announce dropped item from mob (need specify id of item) (good for epic itens announce works only from mob drops)
[SHARE] Announce dropped item from mob (need specify id of item) (good for epic itens announce works only from mob drops) }
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