I`m looking for a developer to implement an EXT to enable buff store features.
This mod allows buff classes to sell buffs on city very like merchants do for items, also compatible with .offline command. (only in the peace zone).
When the user uses the .buffstore command (or click at the item, something like that) a window appears to input the buff price (a config to set a limit of this price will prevent some scams) and a title.
After that, the user remains to sit down until stand up and close the buff store. An alternative setup to include skills on the Buff Store Caracter would be nice.
When the other player interacts with this sit character they will see an interface to the choice buff list (who is own by the buffer).
Every buff used the buffer earns Adena and the mana are consumed, if mana below te required by buff it can not be purchased.
A config to setup mana regen or mana uses while in the buff store would be nice.

The developer should provide full source code.
This mod allows buff classes to sell buffs on city very like merchants do for items, also compatible with .offline command. (only in the peace zone).
When the user uses the .buffstore command (or click at the item, something like that) a window appears to input the buff price (a config to set a limit of this price will prevent some scams) and a title.
After that, the user remains to sit down until stand up and close the buff store. An alternative setup to include skills on the Buff Store Caracter would be nice.
When the other player interacts with this sit character they will see an interface to the choice buff list (who is own by the buffer).
Every buff used the buffer earns Adena and the mana are consumed, if mana below te required by buff it can not be purchased.
A config to setup mana regen or mana uses while in the buff store would be nice.

The developer should provide full source code.
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