Resolved [HELP] how I can expand the glow of enchant in the weapon?, help!


Hello, I'm making the l2 gold weapons for Classic, but I cant get the glow in the weapon, someone can help me?

item_begin tag=0 object_id=100004 drop_type=1 drop_anim_type=1 drop_radius=7 drop_height=10 drop_texture={{[LineageWeapons.death_knight_blader_m00_wp];{[LineageWeaponsTex.death_knight_blader_t00_wp]}}} icon={[icon.weapon_monster_i00];[None];[None];[None];[None]} durability=-1 weight=300 material_type=bronze crystallizable=1 related_quest_id={} color=1 is_attribution=0 property_params=0 icon_panel=[None] complete_item_dropsound_type=[dropsound_complete_weapon] inventory_type=equipment body_part=lrhand handness=4 wp_mesh={{[LineageWeapons.death_knight_blader_m00_wp]};{1}} texture={[LineageWeaponsTex.death_knight_blader_t00_wp]} item_sound={[ItemSound.sword_great_4];[ItemSound.sword_mid_5];[ItemSound.axe_6];[ItemSound.axe_3]} drop_sound=[ItemSound.itemdrop_spear] equip_sound=[ItemSound.itemequip_spear] effect=[None] random_damage=10 weapon_type=pole crystal_type=s mp_consume=0 soulshot_count=1 spiritshot_count=1 curvature=1000 UNK_10=0 can_equip_hero=-1 is_magic_weapon=0 ertheia_fist_scale=1.0 junk=21 Enchanted={{[LineageWeapons.rangesample];{0.95;0.6;0.6};{9.0;0.0;0.0};{3.0;0.0;0.0};1.3;1.2;0.0;{0.0;0.0;0.0};{0.0;0.0;0.0};{0.0;0.0;0.0}}} variation_effect_type={2;0;0;0;0;0} variation_icon={[None]} ensoul_slot_count={0;0} item_end

I forgot to ask you, what is the grade of the item? Because it matter if its no grade/d/c and S grade (weapongrp)
I forgot to ask you, what is the grade of the item? Because it matter if its no grade/d/c and S grade (weapongrp)
grades enchanting which is described in: WeaponEnchantEffectData_Classic is another thing.
it manages the glow effect and colors by grade.

the glow SIZE/SHAPE of each weapon is described on the weapon itself inside weapongrp.
the first highlighted set manages glow size:length/width/height. the second highlighted set manages particles

numbers in green will do the work for @fa1thDEV . (this example is also a possible fix for your pole. copy it and try.)
i had a guide somewhere as to what each number changes but it is lost in my archive
but if you experiment a little you will understand

grades enchanting which is described in: WeaponEnchantEffectData_Classic is another thing.
it manages the glow effect and colors by grade.

the glow SIZE/SHAPE of each weapon is described on the weapon itself inside weapongrp.
the first highlighted set manages glow size:length/width/height. the second highlighted set manages particles

numbers in green will do the work for @fa1thDEV . (this example is also a possible fix for your pole. copy it and try.)
i had a guide somewhere as to what each number changes but it is lost in my archive
but if you experiment a little you will understand

View attachment 5076
Ty for the information. I am not so familiar with the classic client but you have good knowledge!
grades enchanting which is described in: WeaponEnchantEffectData_Classic is another thing.
it manages the glow effect and colors by grade.

the glow SIZE/SHAPE of each weapon is described on the weapon itself inside weapongrp.
the first highlighted set manages glow size:length/width/height. the second highlighted set manages particles

numbers in green will do the work for @fa1thDEV . (this example is also a possible fix for your pole. copy it and try.)
i had a guide somewhere as to what each number changes but it is lost in my archive
but if you experiment a little you will understand

View attachment 5076
ty geoniz, btw, I get more info, for create the perfect glow is necessary creare a efect, create the efect in the enchanteffect.dat and in the weapongrp put the UNK: id of effect