To make to us to create grind in one pile (by default in a game they do not develop in one pile) it is necessary for us:
1. We take id 6577 to find a item necessary to us in data/items/ - for an example. It is in the 6500-6599.xml file:
2. We need to edit the file of a game which placed Interlude\system\etcitemgrp.dat and to open its file editor - the link to it
(at changes we choose the FORMAT of the coding 413, NOT A 414)
The structure of fields in this file consists of the following parameters:
d drop_type drop_anim_type drop_radius drop_height UNK_0 drop_mesh drop_tex icon[0] icon[1] icon[2] icon[3] icon[4] icon[5] icon[6] icon[7] icon[8] durability weight material crystallizable type1 mesh_tex_pair_cntm mesh_tex_pair_m[0] mesh_tex_pair_cntt mesh_tex_pair_t[0] item_sound equip_sound stackable family grade
and if is available for us it is sensitive gray substance in the head - to us to become clearly that before the last stackable parameter just and is responsible for display in the client - it will be piled or will occupy the separate slot VISUALLY. We already determined by the server that the point 6577 will be stackable .
And so we do in the client:
Initial original line -
6577 0 3 6 3 0 dropitems.drop_scroll_m00 dropitemstex.drop_scroll_t00 icon.etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_s_i05 0 120 18 0 0 1 1 ItemSound.itemdrop_scroll 0 0 0
We in it change value on:
6577 0 3 6 3 0 dropitems.drop_scroll_m00 dropitemstex.drop_scroll_t00 icon.etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_s_i05 0 120 18 0 0 1 1 ItemSound.itemdrop_scroll 1 0 0
Thus we made our sharpening scroll or any other subject stackable visually on the client and on the server.
1. We take id 6577 to find a item necessary to us in data/items/ - for an example. It is in the 6500-6599.xml file:
<etcitem id="6577" name="Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S)">
<!-- [blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_s] -->
<set name="class" value="MISC"/>
<set name="crystal_type" value="NONE"/>
<set name="icon" value="icon.etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_s_i05"/>
<set name="price" value="30000000"/>
<set name="stackable" value="false"/> и тут меняем на true (стопкковой).
<set name="type" value="SCROLL"/>
<set name="weight" value="120"/>
<cond msgId="1508">
<player olympiad="true"/>
2. We need to edit the file of a game which placed Interlude\system\etcitemgrp.dat and to open its file editor - the link to it
(at changes we choose the FORMAT of the coding 413, NOT A 414)
The structure of fields in this file consists of the following parameters:
d drop_type drop_anim_type drop_radius drop_height UNK_0 drop_mesh drop_tex icon[0] icon[1] icon[2] icon[3] icon[4] icon[5] icon[6] icon[7] icon[8] durability weight material crystallizable type1 mesh_tex_pair_cntm mesh_tex_pair_m[0] mesh_tex_pair_cntt mesh_tex_pair_t[0] item_sound equip_sound stackable family grade
and if is available for us it is sensitive gray substance in the head - to us to become clearly that before the last stackable parameter just and is responsible for display in the client - it will be piled or will occupy the separate slot VISUALLY. We already determined by the server that the point 6577 will be stackable .
And so we do in the client:
Initial original line -
6577 0 3 6 3 0 dropitems.drop_scroll_m00 dropitemstex.drop_scroll_t00 icon.etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_s_i05 0 120 18 0 0 1 1 ItemSound.itemdrop_scroll 0 0 0
We in it change value on:
6577 0 3 6 3 0 dropitems.drop_scroll_m00 dropitemstex.drop_scroll_t00 icon.etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_s_i05 0 120 18 0 0 1 1 ItemSound.itemdrop_scroll 1 0 0
Thus we made our sharpening scroll or any other subject stackable visually on the client and on the server.