How to make New NPC and Edit Drop and SA UP

1. Location of gameserver\data\npc
2. Format XML

3. Multiple description:
The NPC describes such a system as:
ai_type mob - CharacterAI / Priest etc. - Who he is, magician, heal, healer or custom AI
Stats of the mob such as pAtk / CON / DEX / INT / CastSpeed / level and etc.
How much does it give at death XP/SP/RP - rewardExp / rewardRp / rewardSp
type - who is - NPC/RaidBoss/Monster or custome
4. Minions for mobs are also add in npc. Example:
<minion npc_id="25110" count="1"/>
<!--Cloe's Servitor-->
<minion npc_id="25111" count="1"/>
<!--Cloe's Servitor-->
5.Skills for mobs that he will attack or heal or passive, for example, if you think that some kind of skill, he is really hurting or killing, you can either remove or lower the stats of the skill he uses. Example:
<skill id="4045" level="1"/>
<!--Resist Full Magic Attack-->
<skill id="4197" level="7"/>
<skill id="4494" level="1"/>
<!--Raid Boss-->
<skill id="4830" level="1"/>
<!--Raid Boss - Level 74-->
6.Prorolling SA aka Soul Crystal. Example:
<absorb chance="5" min_level="11" max_level="12" type="PARTY_ONE"/>
In the example, the soul crystal will be pumped with a 5% chance from level 11 to level 12 for one member of the party

Instead PARTY_ONE You can set parameters such as

LAST_HIT skill="true" или skill="false" - on the one who finished off the RB or mob.From Skill or hand kill
<absorb chance="5" min_level="0" max_level="4" type="LAST_HIT" skill="true"/>

PARTY_RANDOM - Gives a random amount to the party. Let's say it gives three members of a raid, not just one.

PARTY_ALL - Gives out the whole party who participated in the raid.

7.Drop and work mechanics.
And so there are 3 groups of the reward list -
RATED_GROUPED - in this group, everything is routed from the config. If you put Reward Drop x10 then the number of items will be increased 10 times
In the same way, the group is divided into sub-groups from which the drop occurs <group chance = "77.473"> group number 1. Group number 2 <group chance = "50.0">:
This suggests that after killing the mob there is a chance to drop out of the group, only one or two can fall out. For example, we have the group <group chance = "77.473"> then the chance of falling out of the group will be recalculated from the group - chance = "60.6544"
<rewardlist type="RATED_GROUPED">
<group chance="77.473"> -chance of group 1
<reward item_id="960" min="1" max="1" chance="60.6544"/> - chance to drop out to a items in group
<group chance="50.0"> - chance of group 2
<reward item_id="8176" min="3" max="9" chance="50.0"/> - chance to drop out to a items in group

NOT_RATED_GROUPED - In this group in general, nothing will be raced, no matter how you set the config. Example:
<rewardlist type="NOT_RATED_GROUPED">
<group chance="77.473"> - chance of group 1
<reward item_id="960" min="1" max="1" chance="60.6544"/> - chance to drop out to a items in group
<group chance="50.0"> - chance of group 2
<reward item_id="8176" min="3" max="9" chance="50.0"/> - chance to drop out to a items in group

SWEEP - This is a group of spoils. Have no sub groups like RATE NOT_RATE

<rewardlist type="SWEEP">
<reward item_id="1799" min="1" max="1" chance="37.1205"/> - chance of receiving subject
<reward item_id="1831" min="1" max="1" chance="66.817"/> - chance of receiving subject
<reward item_id="1896" min="1" max="1" chance="10.6171"/> - chance of receiving subject

Now a complete description of Mob on the actual example:
<npc id="20300" name="Zenta Lizardman Matriarch" title=""> - NPC ID and name
<set name="aggroRange" value="500"/> - distance of aggression
<set name="ai_type" value="Fighter"/> - AI type - here is Fighter
<set name="baseAtkRange" value="40"/> - Range Attack. In this example, he comes close to the char
<set name="baseCON" value="43"/> - stat CON
<set name="baseCritRate" value="80"/> - stat Crit Rate
<set name="baseDEX" value="30"/> - stat DEX
<set name="baseHpMax" value="1138.629"/> - stat HP
<set name="baseHpRate" value="1"/> - multiplier HP
<set name="baseHpReg" value="5.5"/> - regeneration HP per tick 1 sec
<set name="baseINT" value="21"/> - stat INT
<set name="baseMAtk" value="176"/> - Mage Attack power
<set name="baseMAtkSpd" value="333"/> - Cast Speed
<set name="baseMDef" value="170"/> - Magic Defense
<set name="baseMEN" value="20"/> - stat MEN
<set name="baseMpMax" value="584"/> - amount of Mana
<set name="baseMpReg" value="2.1"/> - regen mana per sec
<set name="basePAtk" value="352"/> - base pAtk
<set name="basePAtkSpd" value="253"/> - Phys attack speed
<set name="basePDef" value="231"/> - Phys Defence
<set name="baseRunSpd" value="140"/> - Run speed
<set name="baseSTR" value="40"/> - stat STR
<set name="baseShldDef" value="0"/> - Shield Defense (Does not work if there is no shield in the hands)
<set name="baseShldRate" value="0"/> - Shield Defense multiplaer (Does not work if there is no shield in the hands)
<set name="baseWIT" value="20"/> - stat WIT
<set name="baseWalkSpd" value="53"/> - walk speed . NEVER put 0 - client will crush
<set name="collision_height" value="40.0"/> - mob height
<set name="collision_radius" value="20.0"/> - mob radius
<set name="level" value="44"/> - level
<set name="rewardExp" value="3418"/> - Reward Exp
<set name="rewardRp" value="0"/> - Reward Rraid Points
<set name="rewardSp" value="234"/> - reward SP
<set name="shots" value="NONE"/> - Use soulshots or not
<set name="texture" value=""/> - textures
<set name="type" value="Monster"/> - type mob, in this occasion Monster
<faction name="lizardman_clan" range="300"/> - The clan in which the mob is composed, if in a radius of 300 you beat his falcon, he will attack you, even if he is not aggressive
<equip> - What to put on hands
<rhand item_id="221"/> - Item id of the object that is dressed in the right hand
<!--Assassin Knife-->
<skills> - The skills of the mob he attacks
<skill id="4032" level="4"/>
<!--NPC Strike-->
<skill id="4408" level="1"/>
<!--HP Increase (1x)-->
<skill id="4409" level="1"/>
<!--MP Increase (1x)-->
<skill id="4410" level="12"/>
<!--Slightly Strong P. Atk.-->
<skill id="4411" level="12"/>
<!--Slightly Strong M. Atk.-->
<skill id="4412" level="10"/>
<!--Slightly Weak P. Def.-->
<skill id="4413" level="10"/>
<!--Slightly Weak M. Def.-->
<skill id="4414" level="2"/>
<!--Standard Type-->
<skill id="4415" level="7"/>
<skill id="4416" level="6"/>
<attributes> - Defensive elements of the mob
<defence attribute="fire" value="0"/>
<defence attribute="water" value="0"/>
<defence attribute="wind" value="0"/>
<defence attribute="earth" value="0"/>
<defence attribute="holy" value="0"/>
<defence attribute="unholy" value="0"/>
<rewardlist type="NOT_RATED_GROUPED"> - A drop that is not raced at the mob. Example described above
<group chance="42.0"> - chance group
<reward item_id="8600" min="1" max="1" chance="55.0"/> - Chance to fall out of a group
<reward item_id="8601" min="1" max="1" chance="38.0"/> - Chance to fall out of a group
<reward item_id="8602" min="1" max="1" chance="7.0"/> - Chance to fall out of a group
<group chance="11.0"> - chance group
<reward item_id="8603" min="1" max="1" chance="55.0"/> - Chance to fall out of a group
<reward item_id="8604" min="1" max="1" chance="38.0"/> - Chance to fall out of a group
<reward item_id="8605" min="1" max="1" chance="7.0"/> - Chance to fall out of a group
<group chance="25.0"> - chance group
<reward item_id="8606" min="1" max="1" chance="34.0"/> - Chance to fall out of a group
<reward item_id="8608" min="1" max="1" chance="33.0"/> - Chance to fall out of a group
<reward item_id="8610" min="1" max="1" chance="33.0"/> - Chance to fall out of a group
<group chance="10.0"> - chance group
<reward item_id="8607" min="1" max="1" chance="50.0"/> - Chance to fall out of a group
<reward item_id="8609" min="1" max="1" chance="50.0"/> - Chance to fall out of a group
<group chance="1.0"> - chance group
<reward item_id="8612" min="1" max="1" chance="33.0"/> - Chance to fall out of a group
<reward item_id="8613" min="1" max="1" chance="33.0"/> - Chance to fall out of a group
<reward item_id="8614" min="1" max="1" chance="34.0"/> - Chance to fall out of a group
<group chance="10.0"> - chance group
<reward item_id="8611" min="1" max="1" chance="100.0"/> - Chance to fall out of a group
Hi. I'm working on placing a stronghold, it consist of a spot where you get twice the drop. I've created a passive skill and attached it to the zone, it doesn't work, and neither does VIP bonus.
I need to create a NON_RATED_GROUP but take effects from Premium account bonuses and passive skill drop modifiers.

<skill id="90055" levels="1" name="Stronghold Buff - XP/SP X1.5 - Drop x1.5">
        Stronghold buff.
        <set name="icon" val="br_cashtex.skill.br_cash_rune_of_rp_buff_3"/>
        <set name="magicLevel" val="1"/>
        <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
        <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/>
        <set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE"/>
            <mul order="0x30" stat="SpMultiplier" val="1.5"/>
            <mul order="0x30" stat="ExpMultiplier" val="1.5"/>
            <mul order="0x30" stat="AdenaDropMultiplier" val="1.5"/>
            <mul order="0x30" stat="ItemDropMultiplier" val="1.5"/>
<zone name="[varka_vip_stronghold1]" type="fun">
        <set name="zoneBuffs" val="90055:1"/>
            <coords loc="122045 -49156 -3000 -2500"/>
            <coords loc="122045 -44684 -3000 -2500"/>
            <coords loc="118295 -44684 -3000 -2500"/>
            <coords loc="118295 -49156 -3000 -2500"/>
Why you make PASSIVE effect for zone BUFF :D Make buff inside at zone
    <zone name="[sone_zone]" type="peace_zone" >
        <set name="skill_name" val="22300;1" />
        <set name="unit_tick" val="120" />
        <set name="skill_prob" val="100" />
            <coords loc="-90360 -78856" />
            <coords loc="-42504 -78856" />
            <coords loc="-42504 -42936" />
            <coords loc="-90360 -42936" />
    <skill id="22300" levels="1" name="Some Buff">
        <set name="magicType" val="SPECIAL" />
        <set name="icon" val="BranchSys2.icon.s_g_fantastic_magic" />
        <set name="magicLevel" val="85" />
        <set name="target" val="TARGET_ONE" />
        <set name="skillType" val="BUFF" />
        <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE" />
            <effect name="Buff" time="120" val="0">
                <mul order="0x30" stat="runSpd" val="1.3" />
                <mul order="0x30" stat="fall" val="0.6" />
Is it possible to make the mobs drop enchanted items like, am acu +11?
Like this:
<reward item_id="9989" min="1" max="1" enchant="11" chance="1.0"/>
hello its possible to make some mobs to drop to all the people if have made some damage on it, or just working in raidbosses!!!
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drop what ? item, sa, spoil or etc etc etc ?
PARTY_RANDOM - Gives a random amount to the party. Let's say it gives three members of a raid, not just one.

PARTY_ALL - Gives out the whole party who participated in the raid.

LAST_HIT skill="true" или skill="false" - on the one who finished off the RB or mob.From Skill or hand kill
this is the 3 option for now can have other option like DROP_FOR_ALL and give drops from everyone that hit the mob or the RB?
PARTY_RANDOM - Gives a random amount to the party. Let's say it gives three members of a raid, not just one.

PARTY_ALL - Gives out the whole party who participated in the raid.

LAST_HIT skill="true" или skill="false" - on the one who finished off the RB or mob.From Skill or hand kill
this is the 3 option for now can have other option like DROP_FOR_ALL and give drops from everyone that hit the mob or the RB?
yes, I can make the following mechanism - everyone who has a quest for SA and inflicted any damage or hate, take it into the radius and give an increase in SA level according to standard mechanics
yes, I can make the following mechanism - everyone who has a quest for SA and inflicted any damage or hate, take it into the radius and give an increase in SA level according to standard mechanics
check this, in a nice feature for a server to have, in this RB i have changes to get drops no matter how many ppl have hit it, all have the same changes to get drops
View attachment 3754
check this, in a nice feature for a server to have, in this RB i have changes to get drops no matter how many ppl have hit it, all have the same changes to get drops
I don’t see any problems, I can add this functionality to service mobs. At the moment I have plans to improve the bots and then I can do this.
I setup the droplist like this:
<rewardlist type="NOT_RATED_GROUPED">
<group chance="100.0">
<reward item_id="57" min="45000" max="55000" chance="100.0"/>
<reward item_id="16100" min="25" max="25" chance="100.0"/>
and the mob don't drop the two items. Sometimes it drop 1 item sometimes 2.

Then I try to make the rewardlist like this
<rewardlist type="NOT_RATED_GROUPED">
<group chance="100.0">
<reward item_id="57" min="45000" max="55000" chance="100.0"/>
<group chance="100.0">
<reward item_id="16100" min="25" max="25" chance="100.0"/>

But the effect is the same, sometimes it drop just 1 item (adena or coin), and sometimes drop adena only.
I want to make the mob to drop always 100% the items. Adena + the coin. Any Suggestions @Deazer ?
I setup the droplist like this:
<rewardlist type="NOT_RATED_GROUPED">
<group chance="100.0">
<reward item_id="57" min="45000" max="55000" chance="100.0"/>
<reward item_id="16100" min="25" max="25" chance="100.0"/>
and the mob don't drop the two items. Sometimes it drop 1 item sometimes 2.

Then I try to make the rewardlist like this
<rewardlist type="NOT_RATED_GROUPED">
<group chance="100.0">
<reward item_id="57" min="45000" max="55000" chance="100.0"/>
<group chance="100.0">
<reward item_id="16100" min="25" max="25" chance="100.0"/>

But the effect is the same, sometimes it drop just 1 item (adena or coin), and sometimes drop adena only.
I want to make the mob to drop always 100% the items. Adena + the coin. Any Suggestions @Deazer ?
<rewardlist type="NOT_RATED_GROUPED">
<group chance="100.0">
<reward item_id="57" min="45000" max="55000" chance="100.0"/>
<group chance="100.0">
<reward item_id="16100" min="25" max="25" chance="100.0"/>

Here is correct
Hello i tried change epic boss queen add drops and nothing is droping but in drop menu all seems fine why?
<group chance="70.0">
<reward item_id="5289" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="5287" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="5288" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="5290" min="1" max="1" chance="15.0" />
<reward item_id="5291" min="1" max="1" chance="15.0" />
<reward item_id="5297" min="1" max="1" chance="5.0" />
<reward item_id="5298" min="1" max="1" chance="5.0" />
<reward item_id="5308" min="1" max="1" chance="2.5" />
<reward item_id="5292" min="1" max="1" chance="2.5" />
<group chance="70.0">
<reward item_id="5317" min="1" max="1" chance="20.0" />
<reward item_id="5316" min="1" max="1" chance="20.0" />
<reward item_id="5318" min="1" max="1" chance="20.0" />
<reward item_id="5319" min="1" max="1" chance="20.0" />
<reward item_id="5323" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="5329" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<group chance="70.0">
<reward item_id="5312" min="1" max="1" chance="20.0" />
<reward item_id="5311" min="1" max="1" chance="20.0" />
<reward item_id="5313" min="1" max="1" chance="20.0" />
<reward item_id="5314" min="1" max="1" chance="20.0" />
<reward item_id="5320" min="1" max="1" chance="20.0" />
<reward item_id="5326" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="5315" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<group chance="70.0">
<reward item_id="5294" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="5293" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="5295" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="5296" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="5301" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="5304" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="5305" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<group chance="50.0">
<reward item_id="80" min="1" max="1" chance="50.0" />
<reward item_id="150" min="1" max="1" chance="50.0" />
<reward item_id="151" min="1" max="1" chance="50.0" />
<reward item_id="81" min="1" max="1" chance="50.0" />
<reward item_id="236" min="1" max="1" chance="50.0" />
<reward item_id="289" min="1" max="1" chance="50.0" />
<reward item_id="270" min="1" max="1" chance="50.0" />
<reward item_id="305" min="1" max="1" chance="50.0" />
<reward item_id="164" min="1" max="1" chance="50.0" />
<reward item_id="2504" min="1" max="1" chance="50.0" />
<reward item_id="212" min="1" max="1" chance="50.0" />
<reward item_id="213" min="1" max="1" chance="50.0" />
<group chance="10.0">
<reward item_id="6364" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="6372" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="6367" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="6368" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="7575" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="6371" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="6370" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="6365" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="6579" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="6366" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<reward item_id="6369" min="1" max="1" chance="10.0" />
<group chance="15.0">
<reward item_id="6679" min="1" max="1" chance="15.0"/>
<reward item_id="6674" min="1" max="1" chance="15.0"/>
<reward item_id="6675" min="1" max="1" chance="15.0"/>
<reward item_id="6676" min="1" max="1" chance="15.0"/>
<reward item_id="6677" min="1" max="1" chance="15.0"/>
<reward item_id="6678" min="1" max="1" chance="15.0"/>
<reward item_id="6683" min="1" max="1" chance="15.0"/>
<reward item_id="6680" min="1" max="1" chance="15.0"/>
<reward item_id="6681" min="1" max="1" chance="15.0"/>
<reward item_id="6682" min="1" max="1" chance="15.0"/>
<reward item_id="6687" min="1" max="1" chance="15.0"/>
<reward item_id="6684" min="1" max="1" chance="15.0"/>
<reward item_id="6685" min="1" max="1" chance="15.0"/>
<reward item_id="6686" min="1" max="1" chance="15.0"/>
<group chance="100.0">
<reward item_id="57" min="25000000" max="25000000" chance="100.0" />
<group chance="100.0">
<reward item_id="6660" min="1" max="1" chance="100.0"/>
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If any one can help if put at grpup 70 some item 30 say on item 0 % and om group 100% i want to know why?
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