This solve my issue I can even use the command .rune so the players can see the expire time. And thanks to all for the answers. I may ask the wrong question and I didn't be so specific for what I needed exactly.I think it doesn't matter when the item is created. If you set the item to expire, it will expire without being affected by its creation time.
P.S. - To everyone let me explain clearly for what I needed it.
I've created a custom teleporter for solo instance with some restrictions. I needed the coin with set durration to prevent the players to join again. Since I do not have client protection the HWID do not work, I have added a check for the IPs but the coin is added as additional security. Now I know that this is totally useless but anyway.
Now everything works right. The Players are restricted via IP (8h) and the coin (8h) (because they can join the zone only for 1h). Thanks to @MetaMan for the idea with the durability!