How to work with a Buffer and to do a Premium buff

Data Location:
Default NPC id is - 40010
Dialogues - gameserver\data\html-en\mods\buffer
XML scheme with Buffs their levels, prices and so on - gameserver\data\buff_templates.xml

We will consider XML and its buff_templates.xml format:


<template menuId="200" target="BUFF_PLAYER">
<item id="57" amount="200000" />
<skill id="1068" level="3" />
<skill id="1040" level="3" />
<skill id="1086" level="2" />
<skill id="1204" level="2" />
<skill id="1077" level="3" />
<skill id="1242" level="2" />
<skill id="1268" level="4" />

menuId - ID on which we address a buffer
target - whom buff, BUFF_PLAYER or BUFF_PET
consume - id and quantity of items.
produce - here is stored buff or schemes of buffs.
<item id="57" amount="200000" /> consume 200000 adena
<item id="4037" amount="0" /> for Premium buff we only check in inventory item if set zero
Also you can use several items in the sheet from which the first of the existing ones in the inventory will be consumed - it is convenient for premium accounts with different lengths. Example:
  <consume anyFirst="true">
  <item id="6673" amount="0" />
  <item id="4037" amount="0" />

Checking for a player’s premium account:
<template menuId="124" target="BUFF_PLAYER">
        <item id="57" amount="600000" is_premium_required="true"/>
        <skill id="1068" level="3" />
        <skill id="1040" level="3" />
        <skill id="1086" level="2" />
        <skill id="1204" level="2" />
        <skill id="1077" level="3" />
        <skill id="1242" level="2" />
        <skill id="1268" level="4" />

produce - here is stored buff or schemes of buffs.
<skill id="1068" level="1" />

or alot buffs
<skill id="1068" level="3" />
<skill id="1040" level="3" />
<skill id="1086" level="2" />
<skill id="1204" level="2" />
<skill id="1077" level="3" />
<skill id="1242" level="2" />
<skill id="1268" level="4" />

If we want to remove items from a certain level, then:
<item id="57" amount="200000" from_level="20"/> Thus, the player before the 20th will be buff free

restrict by min level
<template menuId="126" target="BUFF_PLAYER" minLevel="51"> Min level for get buff
<item id="57" amount="200000" />
<skill id="1068" level="3" />
<skill id="1040" level="3" />
<skill id="1086" level="2" />

Example for on additions in XML and dialogue:

2. The button to which we add dialogue
<a action="bypass -h scripts_services.Buffer:act ask=200&reply=1">Fighter 1 lvl</a>

now in details:
ask=200 - is MenuID to Buff with XML or to a set of buff
&reply=1 - on what page will be return. In ours cases it will be returned on 1.htm
<template menuId="200" target="BUFF_PLAYER">
<item id="57" amount="200000" />
<skill id="1068" level="3" />
<skill id="1040" level="3" />
<skill id="1086" level="2" />
<skill id="1204" level="2" />
<skill id="1077" level="3" />
<skill id="1242" level="2" />
<skill id="1268" level="4" />
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Old customers can write me to skype and I make auto convertation old buffer SQL to new XML
<template menuId="126" target="BUFF_PLAYER" minLevel="51"> Min level for get buff

Can you implement MaxLevel for get buff?
also this action="bypass -h scripts_services.Buffer:act ask=-2&reply=npc-40010" ask my for adena where can i remove adena for restore- cancel buffs?
Both bypasses seem to cancel the negative effects. Is there something else only for restoration?

# restoring HP/CP/MP Bypass ask=-4
# restoring HP/CP/MP and removing negative effects Bypass ask=-5
No puedes, eso es una carga enorme para el cliente del juego si 10 jugadores comienzan a mejorar en el tiempo de reutilización.
Hola tengo una duda, quiero hacer que la habilidad "Llamas de Invencibilidad" no ocupe espacio en el buff, como se podría hacer?