Классмастер/сабкласс/точка скиллов в одном NPC

Было бы не плохо еще реализовать возможность добавления всего этого в alt +b (Создать клан, добавить/сменить саб, заточку скилов), ну и аукцион тогда еще сразу=))))
вот это прям топовая вещица)
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So... I need to leave .class command TRUE to have a working class NPC?
NPC works fine here. But since i don't want the player to use this .class command anywhere without the npc... :(

<button value="Class Master" action="bypass -h user_classmaster"
"bypass -h user_prof"
it's the same thing...

# -------------- Voice Chat Class Master (NOT NPC!) -------
ChatClassMasterEnabled = true
# Voice command in chat for call Class Master window
ChatClassMasterVoiceCommands = prof, class, classmaster
it's the same thing...

# -------------- Voice Chat Class Master (NOT NPC!) -------
ChatClassMasterEnabled = true
# Voice command in chat for call Class Master window
ChatClassMasterVoiceCommands = prof, class, classmaster
i've got an ideia. i can change the command for whatever character "1248%" i want and use it in the bypass button.

EDIT: thanks @Holst , it helped me think better.

It worked!! :D

ChatClassMasterEnabled = true
ChatClassMasterVoiceCommands = mycustomclassmaster

"bypass -h user_mycustomclassmaster"
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