1.Settings file locations - data/item_fake_appearance.xml
2. Format XML
Examples of the operation of this subsystem:
For example, we take the item id 485 Tattoo of Power, to this item we "attach" id 6408 Formal Wear (Wedding).
In the file we get this result:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE list SYSTEM "item_fake_appearance.dtd">
<list enabled="true">
<item itemId="485">
<display itemId="6408"/>
Please note that this subsystem needs to be activated using the <list enabled="true"> method, by default it is false!
And so we get this result in the game.
We can also make a set of armor, for example, we take the Draconic Leather Set and the file will look like this:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE list SYSTEM "item_fake_appearance.dtd">
<list enabled="true">
<item itemId="486">
<display itemId="6379"/>
<display itemId="6380"/>
<display itemId="6381"/>
<item itemId="485">
<display itemId="6408"/>
In the game when dressing the item id 486 Tattoo of Fire in the game, we get the following result of changing the appearance:
A warning! From the side of the person wearing the first time, it is not quite correctly displayed, it is necessary to take off and dress basic non-fake item 1 time, from the side of the observer everything is displayed correctly.
2. Format XML
Examples of the operation of this subsystem:
For example, we take the item id 485 Tattoo of Power, to this item we "attach" id 6408 Formal Wear (Wedding).
In the file we get this result:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE list SYSTEM "item_fake_appearance.dtd">
<list enabled="true">
<item itemId="485">
<display itemId="6408"/>
Please note that this subsystem needs to be activated using the <list enabled="true"> method, by default it is false!
And so we get this result in the game.
We can also make a set of armor, for example, we take the Draconic Leather Set and the file will look like this:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE list SYSTEM "item_fake_appearance.dtd">
<list enabled="true">
<item itemId="486">
<display itemId="6379"/>
<display itemId="6380"/>
<display itemId="6381"/>
<item itemId="485">
<display itemId="6408"/>
In the game when dressing the item id 486 Tattoo of Fire in the game, we get the following result of changing the appearance:
A warning! From the side of the person wearing the first time, it is not quite correctly displayed, it is necessary to take off and dress basic non-fake item 1 time, from the side of the observer everything is displayed correctly.
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