- Monster Race has been fully implemented
- ATTENTION!!! Full rework auth server connections
- Implemented L3/L4 traffic filter
- Added configurations for proxy servers
- Remove premium nick color on finish prem
- Improvement for quests The Finest Ingredients Part 2 and Daimon the White Eyed Part 2
- Added commands /give_all /give_all_by_ip /give_all_by_hwid for telegram bot
- The promo code system has been redesigned. Now the minimum length of a promo code is 20 characters
- Fixed Telegram bot, under certain conditions it could go into an infinite loop
- Update libs, remove Netty.
- Rewrite Telnet server and added security configs
- Update the MySQL JDBC drivers; the older version has vulnerabilities, including CVE-2023-22102
- Correction for Capsuled items with CRP and PCBang
- Added min damage for Universal Mobs distribution_items_reward_min_damage. Guide https://lucera2.com/threads/how-to-create-your-own-service-mob-or-raid.4022/
- Rework spawnAnimations for Summons.
- Lil correct for promo code
- Added server opening service. Allows players to create a character, but does not allow into the game and writes the opening date
- Fix for empty stores when relogging buff sales
- Correction for PackageSend. If the item <set name="freightable" value="true"/> it doesn't matter if it is tradeable or not
- AltPartyClassLimits check on cancel sub also
- Correction for AltPartyClassLimits, when changing a subclass, we check the conditions of the party composition and if it does not meet the criteria, we throw it out of the party
- lil correct for PvP events
- Do not calculate the top killer for a draw and losing teams for PvPevents
- Clearer message for checking for the minimum kill if you have it set for TvT
- Race track lost zone to config
- Added forgotten config for Ally penalty on exit