Looking Starting to fix the "ZoneName" + "catas/necro" + "Hutings" + "MiniMapRegion".


Hello, I am looking for everyone's collaboration to solve the big problems of the map.

To start with...

The catas/necros are not working properly, if you teleport to “Apostate”, it jumps to another information, another zone and the location in the world is wrong.

Another error, is that the icons of the necros/catas are missing in the utx, which we will have to add them, now I share them.

Other errors: bad location of the icons.


to start with:
Catacomb of The Apostate & Catacomb of Forbidden Path:
these catacombs are placed eslewhere on the map.
the actual location contains ONLY the entrance to the catacomb.
and with the gk you teleport to the right coordinates.

this is the actuall entrance to catacomb of Apostate at 22_20 map.
in which we can clearly see that only the entrance tunel is here.
similar goes for forbidden path at 23_20 map.
but if we use /loc to get coordinate info inside the actuall catacomb rooms....
the coordinates when looked up shows where the actuall catacomb e.x.: apostate is.
and here is where the actuall catacomb rooms are placed by ncsoftsky(they had their reasons) under the bottom of sea(underground)
but for the sollution of "bug location in the map" there is ExceptionMinimapData_Classic.dat file in the system folder.
in which you can specify/set the actuall catacomb area as a zone as a block x,y,z
and set it to show the players on another/the correct location in the map.

considering ALL these info;
it DOES NOT EVEN WORTH IT to change anything! just fill out the missing info.
otherwise you have to transfer EVERYTHING......client side and server side....which is not an option :D