only 1 week of the month is past, are you already out of gas? "no money no honey"?if you can make it I'll even give you my 10 dollars left for the month xDD
only 1 week of the month is past, are you already out of gas? "no money no honey"?if you can make it I'll even give you my 10 dollars left for the month xDD
could you explain better what we should do with those?after radarmap i started roaming on the isle
but did not like and the map is not displayed always constant
so i remade devil's isle zonename but with more zones
Code:ZoneName_begin ID=119 MapX=21 MapY=24 Top=30000.0 Bottom=-30000.0 Name=[Devil's Isle Entrance] TownBtnLocX=-1 TownBtnLocY=-1 TownMapX=-1 TownMapY=-1 TownMapWidth=-1 TownMapHeight=-1 TownMapScale=0.0 TownMapTex=[None] Color=249 Continent=0 CurrentLayer=0 TotalLayers=0 TownCenterX=0 TownCenterY=0 ZoneName_end ZoneName_begin ID=124 MapX=21 MapY=24 Top=-3500.0 Bottom=-30000.0 Name=[Pirates' Tunnel] TownBtnLocX=-1 TownBtnLocY=-1 TownMapX=38912 TownMapY=202432 TownMapWidth=1024 TownMapHeight=1024 TownMapScale=0.05 TownMapTex=[Dungeon_devil_Island_Classic] Color=254 Continent=0 CurrentLayer=0 TotalLayers=0 TownCenterX=0 TownCenterY=0 ZoneName_end ZoneName_begin ID=127 MapX=21 MapY=24 Top=30000.0 Bottom=-3496.0 Name=[Devil's Isle] TownBtnLocX=-1 TownBtnLocY=-1 TownMapX=-1 TownMapY=-1 TownMapWidth=-1 TownMapHeight=-1 TownMapScale=0.0 TownMapTex=[None] Color=254 Continent=0 CurrentLayer=0 TotalLayers=0 TownCenterX=0 TownCenterY=0 ZoneName_end ZoneName_begin ID=128 MapX=21 MapY=24 Top=30000.0 Bottom=-2980.0 Name=[Zaken's Domain (1st Floor)] TownBtnLocX=-1 TownBtnLocY=-1 TownMapX=38912 TownMapY=202432 TownMapWidth=1024 TownMapHeight=1024 TownMapScale=0.05 TownMapTex=[Dungeon_devil_Island_Classic] Color=244 Continent=0 CurrentLayer=0 TotalLayers=0 TownCenterX=0 TownCenterY=0 ZoneName_end ZoneName_begin ID=129 MapX=21 MapY=24 Top=-2990.0 Bottom=-3250.0 Name=[Zaken's Domain (2nd Floor)] TownBtnLocX=-1 TownBtnLocY=-1 TownMapX=38912 TownMapY=202432 TownMapWidth=1024 TownMapHeight=1024 TownMapScale=0.05 TownMapTex=[Dungeon_devil_Island_Classic] Color=244 Continent=0 CurrentLayer=0 TotalLayers=0 TownCenterX=0 TownCenterY=0 ZoneName_end ZoneName_begin ID=130 MapX=21 MapY=24 Top=-3260.0 Bottom=-3550.0 Name=[Zaken's Domain (3rd Floor)] TownBtnLocX=-1 TownBtnLocY=-1 TownMapX=38912 TownMapY=202432 TownMapWidth=1024 TownMapHeight=1024 TownMapScale=0.05 TownMapTex=[Dungeon_devil_Island_Classic] Color=244 Continent=0 CurrentLayer=0 TotalLayers=0 TownCenterX=0 TownCenterY=0 ZoneName_end ZoneName_begin ID=626 MapX=21 MapY=24 Top=30000.0 Bottom=-30000.0 Name=[Devil's Isle] TownBtnLocX=1110 TownBtnLocY=2405 TownMapX=38912 TownMapY=202432 TownMapWidth=1024 TownMapHeight=1024 TownMapScale=0.05 TownMapTex=[Dungeon_devil_Island_Classic] Color=255 Continent=0 CurrentLayer=0 TotalLayers=0 TownCenterX=0 TownCenterY=0 ZoneName_end ZoneName_begin ID=628 MapX=21 MapY=24 Top=30000.0 Bottom=-30000.0 Name=[Zaken's Ship] TownBtnLocX=-1 TownBtnLocY=-1 TownMapX=38912 TownMapY=202432 TownMapWidth=1024 TownMapHeight=1024 TownMapScale=0.05 TownMapTex=[Dungeon_devil_Island_Classic] Color=243 Continent=0 CurrentLayer=0 TotalLayers=0 TownCenterX=0 TownCenterY=0 ZoneName_end
file: zonename_classic.datcould you explain better what we should do with those?
...........CurrentLayer=1 TotalLayers=3...........
...........CurrentLayer=2 TotalLayers=3...........
...........CurrentLayer=3 TotalLayers=3...........
is that they expect everything from above, because this should be in the customers section or simply create a repository to fix these bugs at our fingertips.trigger warning:
i'll also post this one, though i dont see much people actively posting some fix
or posting anything at all "helpfull", besides talking about profit and donation panels
(and that masterpiece of CTF)
so speaking of improvement of the client this is another place that needs a hand...
one of many iconic/popular locations in interlude gameplay is Skylancer raid boss up on the mountain
this raid boss drops a hard-to-find clan egg and that is what makes this shit of a place famous....
i have seen various things happening in this location,
from teleports-to-town and endless drops to the invisible players killing everyone.
but i decided to share some improvement...
for anyone that will actually open a normal, not x500000 server!
in the following archive there is stored maps 23_19 and 24_19 along with their heightmap/texture
there is also custom built geodata along with a custom added limit to prevent players from falling.
option_client_begin option_id=16234 option_quality=3 option_type=2 option_desc1=[Active: Has a chance to open doors and treasure ch\nests. Requires Keys of a Thief.] option_desc2=[] option_desc3=[] option_client_end
attached fix for both map and radar.