Guide to Working with the Costume System (Classic only)

How It Works​

1. Costumes (data/costumes.xml)​

  • The costumes.xml file contains a list of all costumes in the game.
  • Each costume has a unique id, a grade (grade), a skill (skill_id), and parameters for evolution and extraction.
  • Example from your file:
    • The costume with id="50" (Hanbok Mythic) has skill_id="59207", grade="5", and requires the item cast_item_id="71684" in a quantity of 30 for activation.
    • This means the costume is tied to the skill with ID 59207, which handles its behavior or appearance in the game.
  • Fields:
    • id - Unique identifier for the costume.
    • skill_id - ID of the skill that activates the costume or is applied when it’s used.
    • grade - Costume level (1-5), which determines the pool it can be randomly drawn from.
    • cast_item_id and cast_item_count - The item and its quantity required for "evolution" or activation of the costume.
    • evolution_costume_id and evolution_mod - Indicate which costume it can evolve into and the evolution chance modifier.
    • extract - The item that can be extracted from the costume, along with the extraction fee (fee).

2. Skills (data/stat/skills)​

  • Skills define how a player receives a costume or what happens when it’s activated.
  • Example from your file:
    • The skill with id="59398" (Hanbok Sealbook - Mythic) consumes the item itemConsumeId="71527" (Transformation Sealbook: Hanbok) and adds the costume with id="50".
  • Key parameters:
    • id - Unique skill ID.
    • itemConsumeId and itemConsumeCount - The item and its quantity consumed when the skill is used.
    • target="TARGET_SELF" - The skill is applied to the caster.
    • skillType="BUFF" and operateType="OP_ACTIVE" - Skill type (buff, actively used).
    • <for><effect name="AppearanceAdd"> - The effect that adds the costume. Inside, <def name="id" val="50"/> specifies a specific costume by its id.
    • Alternative effect <def name="grade" val="1;2;3;4;5"/> - If grade is used instead of id, a random costume from the specified grades is added.

3. Items (data/items/)​

  • Items serve as "keys" to trigger skills that add costumes.
  • Example from your file:
    • The item with id="71527" (Transformation Sealbook: Hanbok) triggers the skill id="59398" level="1".
  • Key parameters:
    • id - Unique item ID.
    • type="SPELLBOOK" - Item type (spellbook).
    • <skills><skill id="59398" level="1"/></skills> - Links the skill that activates when the item is used.

How to Add Skills for Costumes​

  1. Create a Skill in skills.xml:
    • Assign a unique id for the skill (e.g., 59400 for a new costume).
    • Specify the item used for activation:
      • itemConsumeId - Item ID (e.g., 71528 for a new Sealbook).
      • itemConsumeCount - Quantity (usually 1).
    • Set skill parameters:
      • target="TARGET_SELF" - Applies to the caster.
      • skillType="BUFF" and operateType="OP_ACTIVE" - For an active buff.
      • hitTime="2500" - Cast time (in milliseconds, 2.5 seconds as in your example).
    • Add the effect:
      • For a specific costume: <for><effect name="AppearanceAdd"><def name="id" val="51"/></effect></for> (where 51 is the costume ID).
      • For a random costume from a grade: <effect name="AppearanceAdd"><def name="grade" val="1;2;3"/></effect> (e.g., random from grades 1-3).
  2. Link the Skill to the Costume in costumes.xml:
    • In the costume entry, set skill_id to the new skill’s ID (e.g., skill_id="59400").
    • Ensure the costume’s id matches the one specified in the skill’s effect (if using a specific id).
  3. Verify the Data:
    • Confirm that the skill_id exists in skills.xml and doesn’t cause errors (like the null issue from before).

How to Add Items for Costumes​

  1. Create an Item in etcitem.xml:
    • Choose a unique id (e.g., 71528 for a new Sealbook).
    • Set parameters:
      • name - Item name (e.g., "Transformation Sealbook: Metal Suit").
      • type="SPELLBOOK" - Item type.
      • stackable="true" - If the item can be stacked.
      • sellable="false" and dropable="false" - If you don’t want it to be sold or dropped.
      • icon - Path to the icon (e.g., BranchIcon.Icon.g_bm_costume_metal_suit).
    • Link the skill:
      • <skills><skill id="59400" level="1"/></skills> - Indicates the item triggers the skill with id="59400".
  2. Connection to the Costume:
    • Ensure the skill (59400) in skills.xml adds the desired costume (e.g., id="51" or a random one by grade).
    • The item will consume itself (itemConsumeCount="1") and add the costume to the player.

Example of the Full Process​

Let’s say you want to add a new costume, "Dragon Warrior," with id="153", grade 5, and an item to obtain it.

  1. In costumes.xml:
    • Add an entry:
      • id="153" - Unique costume ID.
      • skill_id="59401" - ID of the skill tied to the costume.
      • grade="5" - Costume grade.
      • cast_item_id="71684" and cast_item_count="30" - Item and quantity for activation.
      • evolution_mod="0" - No evolution, as it’s the top grade.
      • <extract item_id="71673" item_count="1"> - Item obtained upon extraction.
      • <fee><item id="71685" count="50"/><item id="57" count="1000000"/></fee> - Extraction fee.
  2. In data/stat/skills:
    • Create a skill:
      • id="59401" - Unique ID.
      • name="Dragon Warrior Sealbook" - Name.
      • itemConsumeId="71673" and itemConsumeCount="1" - Item for activation.
      • target="TARGET_SELF", skillType="BUFF", operateType="OP_ACTIVE".
      • <for><effect name="GetCostume"><def name="id" val="153"/></effect></for> - Adds the costume with id="153".
  3. In data/items:
    • Create an item:
      • id="71673" - Unique ID.
      • name="Transformation Sealbook: Dragon Warrior" - Name.
      • type="SPELLBOOK", stackable="true", sellable="false", dropable="false".
      • <skills><skill id="59401" level="1"/></skills> - Triggers skill 59401.
  4. Result:
    • The player uses item 71673, it consumes 1 unit, activates skill 59401, and the costume id="153" is added to the inventory.

Obtaining a Random Costume​

  • If you want an item to grant a random costume from specific grades:
    • In the skill, replace <def name="id" val="X"/> with <def name="grade" val="1;2;3;4;5"/>.
    • Example: A skill with grade="1;2;3;4;5" will select a random costume from all grades (e.g., from your list, id="1" to id="152").


  • Data Validation: Always ensure the skill_id in costumes.xml exists in skills.xml to avoid errors.
  • Evolution: If a costume evolves, set evolution_costume_id to the ID of the next costume in the chain.
  • Testing: After adding entries, start the server and check the logs for errors (e.g., null skill).

The Transformation System has been added to L2 Classic.

You can open the Transformation system menu by using ALT+X to bring up the game menu and click on "Transformation" to access it.
There are 5 different levels of transformations that can be acquired.

  • Standard/Advanced/Rare/Legendary/Mythic
A transformation can give you added boosts and stats when used depending on the transformation level. Each transformation has a 15 minute Duration with a 2-3 hour cooldown. The Standard/Advanced/Rare transformations have 3 hour cooldowns, while the Legendary/Mythic transformations have a 3 hour cooldown. The duration and cooldowns of transformations can be increased when you collect multiple sets of transformations in your collection.
Transformations can be acquired by exchanging x10 Transformation Sealbook Fragments with Pona in Giran for 1 Standard or 1 High-grade Transformation Sealbook. The Transformation Sealbook Fragments can be earned by completing Daily Hunting Missions (1 fragment per day). You can also obtain Random Transformation Sealbooks by opening Hardin's Magic Bag.
To add a Transformation to your character, you must first open the Random/Standard/High-grade Transformation Sealbook to receive a specific Transform Sealbook and then Imprint it in the menu below. Transformations of the same level/type can be stacked and collected for evolving or extraction.

Transformations can only be used when Magic Powder is present in your inventory. Magic Powder can be purchased from Pona in Giran for 1,000 Adena each. The amount of Magic Powder required to use a transformation varies depending on the level of transformation.

LevelMagic Powder Requirement

Evolve Transformations
Transformations can be upgraded to higher levels by spending other Transformations of the same level to evolve your selected Transformation to the next stage. A transformation that is already in use on the character will automatically be removed if the transformation used for the Evolve process.

Level UpgradeRequired Transformation Quantity
Transformation Extraction

You can extract a Transformation by exchanging a certain amount of Transformations Extract Scrolls (amount required varies by transformation level) and a 1,000,000 Adena fee. The extracted transformation will be removed from your transformation list and turned back into a specific Sealbook of the same type/level to your inventory, which can be traded or sold to other players. The transformation extraction process has a 100% success rate.
A transformation that is already in use on the character will automatically be removed if the transformation is extracted.

LevelTransformation Extract Scroll RequirementAdena
Standard10 1,000,000
Advanced20 1,000,000
Rare30 1,000,000
Legendary40 1,000,000
Mythic50 1,000,000
Transformation Collection

There are 12 collection sets that can give a special stat boost or skill when multiple transformations are imprinted on your character. You are able to choose one activation effect to apply, and it takes 10 minutes of cooldown time to change one effect to another.
Collect the following transformations to receive these stat boosts/skills:

Collection SetTransformations to CollectCollection Set Effect
Cute Animal FriendsTeddy Bear - StandardMax CP +80
Kitty Plushy - Standard
Panda Plushy - Standard
Kat the Cat - Standard
Special SeasonSanta - StandardMax HP +80
Hanbok - Standard
Halloween - Standard
Baseball Uniform - Standard
Formal Wear - Advanced
Striking EleganceDark Knight - StandardP. Atk./M. Atk. +10
Chevalier - Standard
Archer - Red - Standard
Pirate - Blue - Standard
Wizard - Wine - Standard
Magician - Standard
Wow! It's Summer!Beach Swimsuit - RareIncreases Max HP/CP/MP +200
Seductive Swimsuit - Rare
Alluring Swimsuit - Rare
Uncontrollable PowerValkyrie - StandardP. Atk. +50
Barbarian Wolf - Standard
Cowboy - Purple - Standard
Musketeer - Blue - Standard
Ninja - Standard
Overflowing MagicNoblesse - Red - StandardM. Atk. +50
Noblesse - White - Standard
Sailor - Standard
Kelbim - Standard
High Priest - Standard
Rarity CollectorMetal Suit - RareP. Atk./M. Atk. +100
Samurai - Rare
Archer - Green - Rare
Formal Wear - Rare
Kat the Cat - Rare
Halloween - Rare
Highly Durable!Metal Suit - LegendaryActivates the Collector Power that creates a barrier which absorbs up to 1500 damage for 10 seconds
Dark Knight - Legendary
Chevalier - Legendary
Zaken - Legendary
Very Strong!Archer - Green - LegendaryActivates the Collector Power that ignores CP in PvP and inflicts a fixed damage of 1350
Archer - Red - Legendary
Magician - Legendary
Halloween - Legendary
Very Quick!Alluring Swimsuit - LegendaryActivates the Collector Power that cancels nearby enemies' targets and teleports the caster to the rear
Vampiric - Legendary
Pirate - Blue - Legendary
Wizard - Wine - Legendary
I Am LegendZaken - LegendaryIncreases Max HP/CP/MP +200 and P. Atk./M. Atk. +250
Dragon Berserker - Legendary
Anakim - Legendary
Lilith - Legendary
Freya - Legendary
No Pain, No GainZaken - MythicActivates the Collector Power that fully recovers HP/CP/MP and makes you invincible for 10 seconds
Dragon Berserker - Mythic
Anakim - Mythic
Lilith - Mythic
Freya - Mythic
Collecting multiple transformation sets will also give special bonus effects that apply to all transformations.

  • Accumulated bonus effects increase depending on the number of completed collections
  • Transformation Cooldown is reduced by 2.5% when reaching 2/4/6/8/10/12 collection completions and are added up (up to 15% reduction upon collecting all 12)
  • Transformation duration increased by 5%-7.5% when reaching 1/3/5/7/9/11 collection completions and are added up (up to 42.5% upon collecting all 12)
  • Attribute XP +10%, Attribute Damage +15 when reaching 4/8/12 collection completions and are added up (Attribute EXP +30% max, Attribute Damage +45 max upon collecting all 12)
Accumulated Collection QuantityTransformation Duration IncreaseTransformation Cooldown reductionAttribute XP IncreaseAttribute Damage Increase
Hide Settings for Transformations

An option has been added in the Settings section under the Screen Information tab to Hide your transformation or other player's transformations if you wish to see only the original armor designs for L2.
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