How to add a siege launch time and subsequent siege start cycles

To set the desired date and time of the siege (for the first time), you can set the values yourself in the game by the admin - //admin > tab Residences

For automatic submission for the period of sieges you need - every 7 days or change the date, go to
gameserver\data\events\siege and as an example we take [1] gludio_castle.xml
In it we have the launch parameters and what they mean:
<parameter name="siege_schedule" value="0 16 +14:* * 7|0 20 +14:* * 7" />

0 16 +14:* * 7
(0 16) - 16:00
+14 - after how many days will the next siege be, in this example, after 14 days, i.e. 2 weeks. If you want, bet +7 once a week
:* * 7 - Day of the week. In our example, it will be on Sunday.

|0 20 +14:* * 7" second parameter carries in itself the same information BUT already for the siege on the second wave. As far as you know, some of the castles start sieges in different waves. There are two of them.

How to make a siege every day

1. In order to make sure that the siege was every day, we change the following parameters in the file some_castle_castle.xml:
<parameter name="siege_schedule"

Of course, you can set the same wave time. But according to the office, the CL can change the time of the siege.
<parameter name="siege_schedule" value="0 16 +1:* * *|0 20 +1:* * *" /> Thus, we get the first wave at 16:00 and the second at 20:00.
If you want you to have a siege only in one wave and the CL cannot rearrange the time of the siege:
<parameter name="siege_schedule" value="0 16 +1:* * *" />

Also, you must change the parameter that is responsible for the delay to which the Clan leader has the right to select a wave, EVEN if it is one and this delay is 24 hours - 86400 seconds. Obviously, for a daily siege, we must reduce this delay by say one minute or more. In the example, I will specify a delay of 1 minute:
<parameter name="next_siege_date_set_delay" value="60" />

2. and in the field

<on time="-86400">
<stop name="registration" />
Here it is indicated how long before the siege it is possible to register - we must change this because ... by official server registration 24 hours before the siege. With default settings, we won't be able to launch a siege every day. So we change, let's say 30 minutes before the siege, registration is possible:
<on time="-1800">
<stop name="registration" />
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