How to create your own grades, edit crystals and modify enchant bonuses

In this topic, we will discuss how to work with crystal grades, create new grades, and modify player stat bonuses after enchanting.

Format: XML
Path: gameserver/data/crystal_grades.xml

Grade Parameters​

<grade id="S" crystal="1462" crystalMod="250" externalOrdinal="5">
  • id="S" - grade name. For new grades, it can be anything: S80, S84, R99, R999, etc.
  • crystal="1462" - crystals received when the item is crystallized.
  • crystalMod="250" - modifier for bonuses when crystallizing.
    • Formula for weapons: crystalMod / 10 * enchant_level
    • Formula for armor: crystalMod / 5 * enchant_level
    • If the level is greater than 3: crystalMod / 5
  • externalOrdinal="5" - used to determine the parent grade. For example, S80 and S84 have a parent grade of S.

Stat Bonuses for Enchanting​

Initially, the stats are taken from the items: data/items
<weapon id="7575" name="Draconic Bow">
    <!-- [draconic_bow] -->
    <set name="atk_reuse" value="1500"/>
    <set name="crystal_count" value="2440"/>
    <set name="crystal_type" value="S"/>
    <set name="crystallizable" value="true"/>
    <set name="icon" value="icon.weapon_draconic_bow_i00"/>
    <set name="mp_consume" value="6"/>
    <set name="price" value="48800000"/>
    <set name="rnd_dam" value="5"/>
    <set name="soulshots" value="1"/>
    <set name="spiritshots" value="1"/>
    <set name="type" value="BOW"/>
    <set name="weight" value="1650"/>
        <slot id="LEFT_RIGHT_HAND"/>
        <add stat="pAtk" order="0x10" value="581"/>
        <add stat="mAtk" order="0x10" value="132"/>
        <set stat="baseCrit" order="0x08" value="120"/>
        <set stat="atkBaseSpeed" order="0x08" value="293"/>
        <add stat="accCombat" order="0x10" value="-4.0000"/>
        <enchant stat="pAtk" order="0x0C" value="0"/>
        <enchant stat="mAtk" order="0x0C" value="0"/>

We are interested in the grade of the weapon. In this example:
<set name="crystal_type" value="S"/>

We are also interested in the stats modified by enchanting:
<enchant stat="pAtk" order="0x0C" value="0"/>
<enchant stat="mAtk" order="0x0C" value="0"/>

Now, check the modifiers for the S grade in data/crystal_grades.xml:

<grade id="S" crystal="1462" crystalMod="250" externalOrdinal="5">
    <enchant_mod stat="mAtk" multiplier="4"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="sDef" multiplier="2"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="mDef" multiplier="2"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="pDef" multiplier="2"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="pAtkBow" multiplier="10"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="pAtkDoubleSword" multiplier="6"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="pAtk" multiplier="5"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="pAtkSpd" multiplier="1.5"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="mAtkSpd" multiplier="1.5"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="maxHp" multiplier="1.5"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="maxMp" multiplier="1.5"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="maxCp" multiplier="1.5"/>

For our bow, the modifier is:
<enchant_mod stat="pAtkBow" multiplier="10"/>

Calculation formula:
overEnchant = Math.max(0, enchantLevel - 3);
grade.getPhysicAttackBow * (enchantLevel + overEnchant)

Adding New Grades​

Example of a new grade S80 in data/crystal_grades.xml:
<grade id="S80" crystal="1462" crystalMod="250" externalOrdinal="5">
    <enchant_mod stat="mAtk" multiplier="4"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="sDef" multiplier="2"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="mDef" multiplier="2"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="pDef" multiplier="2"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="pAtkBow" multiplier="10"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="pAtkDoubleSword" multiplier="6"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="pAtk" multiplier="5"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="pAtkSpd" multiplier="1.5"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="mAtkSpd" multiplier="1.5"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="maxHp" multiplier="1.5"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="maxMp" multiplier="1.5"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="maxCp" multiplier="1.5"/>

Add the new grade to the player's skill in data/stats/skills:
<skill id="239" levels="7" name="Expertise D">
    <table name="#magicLevel">20 40 52 61 76 76 76</table>
    <set name="icon" val="icon.skill0239"/>
    <set name="magicLevel" val="#magicLevel"/>
    <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
    <set name="skillType" val="HARDCODED"/>
    <set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE"/>
    <set name="canLearn" val=""/>
    <set name="isCommon" val="true"/>

If you need to add new levels:
<table name="#magicLevel">20 40 52 61 76 80 84</table>

Creating Your Own Grade​

Example of a new grade R:
<grade id="R" crystal="17371" crystalMod="255" externalOrdinal="6">
    <enchant_mod stat="mAtk" multiplier="4"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="sDef" multiplier="2"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="mDef" multiplier="2"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="pDef" multiplier="2"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="pAtkBow" multiplier="10"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="pAtkDoubleSword" multiplier="6"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="pAtk" multiplier="5"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="pAtkSpd" multiplier="1.5"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="mAtkSpd" multiplier="1.5"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="maxHp" multiplier="1.5"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="maxMp" multiplier="1.5"/>
    <enchant_mod stat="maxCp" multiplier="1.5"/>

Creating a new skill level:
<skill id="239" levels="8" name="Expertise D">
    <table name="#magicLevel">20 40 52 61 76 80 84 86</table>
    <set name="icon" val="icon.skill0239"/>
    <set name="magicLevel" val="#magicLevel"/>
    <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
    <set name="skillType" val="HARDCODED"/>
    <set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE"/>
    <set name="canLearn" val=""/>
    <set name="isCommon" val="true"/>

Creating an enchant scroll:
<scroll id="88888" infallible="false" reset_lvl="0" on_fail="RESET" chance_bonus="0" grade="R">
    <levels min="0" max="20"/>
    <items_restrict type="WEAPON"/>
    <chances type="WEAPON">
        <chance val="100"/>
        <chance val="100"/>
        <chance val="100"/>
        <chance val="50"/>
        <chance val="50"/>
        <chance val="33"/>
        <chance val="25"/>
        <chance val="20"/>
        <chance val="14"/>
        <chance val="11"/>
        <chance val="8"/>
        <chance val="6"/>
        <chance val="5"/>
        <chance val="4"/>
        <chance val="3"/>
        <chance val="2"/>
        <chance val="2"/>
        <chance val="1"/>
        <chance val="1"/>
        <chance val="1"/>

Creating a Soulshot:
<etcitem id="88889" name="Soulshot: R-grade">
    <!-- [soulshot_s] -->
    <set name="class" value="CONSUMABLE"/>
    <set name="crystal_type" value="R"/>
    <set name="icon" value="icon.etc_spirit_bullet_gold_i00"/>
    <set name="price" value="100"/>
    <set name="stackable" value="true"/>
    <set name="type" value="SHOT"/>
    <set name="weight" value="2"/>
        <skill id="2154" level="1"/>

in this example creating a grade or working with old grades
If you have any questions or suggestions, please post them in this topic.
Last edited:
<skill id="239" levels="8" name="Expertise D">
<table name="#magicLevel">20 40 52 61 76 80 84 86</table>
<set name="icon" val="icon.skill0239"/>
<set name="magicLevel" val="#magicLevel"/>
<set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
<set name="skillType" val="HARDCODED"/>
<set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE"/>
<set name="canLearn" val=""/>
<set name="isCommon" val="true"/>

<grade id="S80" crystal="1462" crystalMod="250" externalOrdinal="5">
<enchant_mod stat="mAtk" multiplier="4" />
<enchant_mod stat="sDef" multiplier="2" />
<enchant_mod stat="mDef" multiplier="2" />
<enchant_mod stat="pDef" multiplier="2" />
<enchant_mod stat="pAtkBow" multiplier="10" />
<enchant_mod stat="pAtkDoubleSword" multiplier="6" />
<enchant_mod stat="pAtk" multiplier="5" />
<enchant_mod stat="pAtkSpd" multiplier="1.5" />
<enchant_mod stat="mAtkSpd" multiplier="1.5" />
<enchant_mod stat="maxHp" multiplier="1.5" />
<enchant_mod stat="maxMp" multiplier="1.5" />
<enchant_mod stat="maxCp" multiplier="1.5" />
<grade id="S84" crystal="1462" crystalMod="250" externalOrdinal="5">
<enchant_mod stat="mAtk" multiplier="4" />
<enchant_mod stat="sDef" multiplier="2" />
<enchant_mod stat="mDef" multiplier="2" />
<enchant_mod stat="pDef" multiplier="2" />
<enchant_mod stat="pAtkBow" multiplier="10" />
<enchant_mod stat="pAtkDoubleSword" multiplier="6" />
<enchant_mod stat="pAtk" multiplier="5" />
<enchant_mod stat="pAtkSpd" multiplier="1.5" />
<enchant_mod stat="mAtkSpd" multiplier="1.5" />
<enchant_mod stat="maxHp" multiplier="1.5" />
<enchant_mod stat="maxMp" multiplier="1.5" />
<enchant_mod stat="maxCp" multiplier="1.5" />
<grade id="R" crystal="17371" crystalMod="255" externalOrdinal="6">
<enchant_mod stat="mAtk" multiplier="4"/>
<enchant_mod stat="sDef" multiplier="2"/>
<enchant_mod stat="mDef" multiplier="2"/>
<enchant_mod stat="pDef" multiplier="2"/>
<enchant_mod stat="pAtkBow" multiplier="10"/>
<enchant_mod stat="pAtkDoubleSword" multiplier="6"/>
<enchant_mod stat="pAtk" multiplier="5"/>
<enchant_mod stat="pAtkSpd" multiplier="1.5"/>
<enchant_mod stat="mAtkSpd" multiplier="1.5"/>
<enchant_mod stat="maxHp" multiplier="1.5"/>
<enchant_mod stat="maxMp" multiplier="1.5"/>
<enchant_mod stat="maxCp" multiplier="1.5"/>

<skill id="239" level="1" cost="0" min_level="20"/> <!--Expertises-->
<skill id="239" level="2" cost="0" min_level="40"/> <!--Expertises-->
<skill id="239" level="3" cost="0" min_level="52"/> <!--Expertises-->
<skill id="239" level="4" cost="0" min_level="61"/> <!--Expertises-->
<skill id="239" level="5" cost="0" min_level="76"/> <!--Expertises-->
<skill id="239" level="6" cost="0" min_level="80"/> <!--Expertises-->
<skill id="239" level="7" cost="0" min_level="84"/> <!--Expertises-->
<skill id="239" level="8" cost="0" min_level="86"/> <!--Expertises-->

I followed everything on this tutorial, and yet, Im still getting penalty for using armor S80+, although it crystalizes fine.

Also, I can add the skill to the char, but every time I log-out, it gets erased, and I have to re-learn.
<skill id="239" levels="8" name="Expertise D">
<table name="#magicLevel">20 40 52 61 76 80 84 86</table>
<set name="icon" val="icon.skill0239"/>
<set name="magicLevel" val="#magicLevel"/>
<set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
<set name="skillType" val="HARDCODED"/>
<set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE"/>
<set name="canLearn" val=""/>
<set name="isCommon" val="true"/>

<grade id="S80" crystal="1462" crystalMod="250" externalOrdinal="5">
<enchant_mod stat="mAtk" multiplier="4" />
<enchant_mod stat="sDef" multiplier="2" />
<enchant_mod stat="mDef" multiplier="2" />
<enchant_mod stat="pDef" multiplier="2" />
<enchant_mod stat="pAtkBow" multiplier="10" />
<enchant_mod stat="pAtkDoubleSword" multiplier="6" />
<enchant_mod stat="pAtk" multiplier="5" />
<enchant_mod stat="pAtkSpd" multiplier="1.5" />
<enchant_mod stat="mAtkSpd" multiplier="1.5" />
<enchant_mod stat="maxHp" multiplier="1.5" />
<enchant_mod stat="maxMp" multiplier="1.5" />
<enchant_mod stat="maxCp" multiplier="1.5" />
<grade id="S84" crystal="1462" crystalMod="250" externalOrdinal="5">
<enchant_mod stat="mAtk" multiplier="4" />
<enchant_mod stat="sDef" multiplier="2" />
<enchant_mod stat="mDef" multiplier="2" />
<enchant_mod stat="pDef" multiplier="2" />
<enchant_mod stat="pAtkBow" multiplier="10" />
<enchant_mod stat="pAtkDoubleSword" multiplier="6" />
<enchant_mod stat="pAtk" multiplier="5" />
<enchant_mod stat="pAtkSpd" multiplier="1.5" />
<enchant_mod stat="mAtkSpd" multiplier="1.5" />
<enchant_mod stat="maxHp" multiplier="1.5" />
<enchant_mod stat="maxMp" multiplier="1.5" />
<enchant_mod stat="maxCp" multiplier="1.5" />
<grade id="R" crystal="17371" crystalMod="255" externalOrdinal="6">
<enchant_mod stat="mAtk" multiplier="4"/>
<enchant_mod stat="sDef" multiplier="2"/>
<enchant_mod stat="mDef" multiplier="2"/>
<enchant_mod stat="pDef" multiplier="2"/>
<enchant_mod stat="pAtkBow" multiplier="10"/>
<enchant_mod stat="pAtkDoubleSword" multiplier="6"/>
<enchant_mod stat="pAtk" multiplier="5"/>
<enchant_mod stat="pAtkSpd" multiplier="1.5"/>
<enchant_mod stat="mAtkSpd" multiplier="1.5"/>
<enchant_mod stat="maxHp" multiplier="1.5"/>
<enchant_mod stat="maxMp" multiplier="1.5"/>
<enchant_mod stat="maxCp" multiplier="1.5"/>

<skill id="239" level="1" cost="0" min_level="20"/> <!--Expertises-->
<skill id="239" level="2" cost="0" min_level="40"/> <!--Expertises-->
<skill id="239" level="3" cost="0" min_level="52"/> <!--Expertises-->
<skill id="239" level="4" cost="0" min_level="61"/> <!--Expertises-->
<skill id="239" level="5" cost="0" min_level="76"/> <!--Expertises-->
<skill id="239" level="6" cost="0" min_level="80"/> <!--Expertises-->
<skill id="239" level="7" cost="0" min_level="84"/> <!--Expertises-->
<skill id="239" level="8" cost="0" min_level="86"/> <!--Expertises-->

I followed everything on this tutorial, and yet, Im still getting penalty for using armor S80+, although it crystalizes fine.

Also, I can add the skill to the char, but every time I log-out, it gets erased, and I have to re-learn.
Почему у тебя на интерлюде 86 уровней ?
Данный навык нельзя трогать на изменение уровней , хардкор.
@Circalover is right, about changed level and interlude max level.
check the [RU] section for the same guide guys!
read there, there are more than just grade penalty....

@gril0grilad0 can you equip any item of this grade?
<grade id="R" crystal="17371" crystalMod="255" externalOrdinal="6">

but every time I log-out, it gets erased, and I have to re-learn
for this you have to add the new levels of skill inside skill-tree so that classes can learn and (store/keep) it for ever.
@Circalover is right, about changed level and interlude max level.
check the [RU] section for the same guide guys!
read there, there are more than just grade penalty....

@gril0grilad0 can you equip any item of this grade?
<grade id="R" crystal="17371" crystalMod="255" externalOrdinal="6">

for this you have to add the new levels of skill inside skill-tree so that classes can learn and (store/keep) it for ever.

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, I added to the skill tree.

My java developer checked the skill 239, and said there is nothing there relating to lvl 6/7/8. It ends on lvl 5 period. Even though I increased its level to lvl 8, since it's a hardcoded skill, i won't go above lvl 5.

how can make it so the stats are added only when the enchant is +6 and add more stats when is +10? is it possible?
how can make it so the stats are added only when the enchant is +6 and add more stats when is +10? is it possible?
What do you mean? Additional status for enchanting? That's in the armor_sets.xml file.

<set id="207" head="19778;19906;35018;35048" chest="19779;19907;35019;35049" legs="19780;19908;35020;35050" gloves="19781;19909;35021;35051" feet="19782;19910;35022;35052" skills="13070-1" enchant6skills="13339-1" enchant7skills="13339-2" enchant8skills="13339-3" enchant9skills="13339-4" enchant10skills="13339-5"/>

This is an example of a set, where you have enchant skills up to +10, plus, you must have the skill created.

Also, if any of the items or skills is not properly created, it wont work.