How to create your own service mob or raid

Format: XML

Path: gameserver/data/npc/

Type: AI

Available AI: UniversalMystic, UniversalFighter
<set name="ai_type" value="UniversalMystic"/> or <set name="ai_type" value="UniversalFighter"/>

Example NPC:

  <npc id="20001" name="Gremlin" title="">
    <set name="aggroRange" value="0"/>
    <set name="ai_type" value="UniversalMystic"/>
    <set name="baseAtkRange" value="40"/>
    <set name="baseCON" value="43"/>
    <set name="baseCritRate" value="40"/>
    <set name="baseDEX" value="30"/>
    <set name="baseHpMax" value="39.745"/>
    <set name="baseHpRate" value="1"/>
    <set name="baseHpReg" value="2"/>
    <set name="baseINT" value="21"/>
    <set name="baseMAtk" value="3"/>
    <set name="baseMAtkSpd" value="333"/>
    <set name="baseMDef" value="30"/>
    <set name="baseMEN" value="20"/>
    <set name="baseMpMax" value="40"/>
    <set name="baseMpReg" value="0.9"/>
    <set name="basePAtk" value="9"/>
    <set name="basePAtkSpd" value="253"/>
    <set name="basePDef" value="40"/>
    <set name="baseRunSpd" value="50"/>
    <set name="baseSTR" value="40"/>
    <set name="baseShldDef" value="0"/>
    <set name="baseShldRate" value="0"/>
    <set name="baseWIT" value="20"/>
    <set name="baseWalkSpd" value="20"/>
    <set name="collision_height" value="15.0"/>
    <set name="collision_radius" value="10.0"/>
    <set name="level" value="1"/>
    <set name="rewardExp" value="29"/>
    <set name="rewardRp" value="0"/>
    <set name="rewardSp" value="2"/>
    <set name="shots" value="NONE"/>
    <set name="texture" value=""/>
    <set name="type" value="Monster"/>
      <set name="flagging_around_players_on_attack" value="true"/>
      <set name="give_to_party_items_reward" value="57;1;6673;1" />
      <defence attribute="fire" value="0"/>
      <defence attribute="water" value="0"/>
      <defence attribute="wind" value="0"/>
      <defence attribute="earth" value="0"/>
      <defence attribute="holy" value="0"/>
      <defence attribute="unholy" value="0"/>

<set name="flagging_around_players_on_dead" value="true"/>Flag all players around when the mob or boss dies.
<set name="flagging_around_players_on_attack" value="true"/>Flag all players around when the mob or boss attacks.
<set name="give_nobles_on_main_class" value="true"/>Grant Noblesse status to all players in the party with the main class, who are level 76 or higher when they kill the boss/mob.
<set name="give_nobles_on_sub_class" value="true"/>Grant Noblesse status to all players in the party with the sub class, who are level 76 or higher when they kill the boss/mob.
<set name="give_to_party_premium_account_id" value="1"/>Grant the premium account ID to all players in the party when they kill the boss/mob.
<set name="give_to_party_custom_hero_time_hours" value="24"/>Grant the hero status to the entire party when they kill the boss/mob.
<set name="give_to_party_items_reward" value="57;1" />
<set name="give_to_party_items_reward_level_penalty" value="9" />
Grant items to the entire party when they kill the boss/mob.
Level penalty for item distribution from `give_to_party_items_reward` - default value 9
<set name="give_to_party_subclass_quests" value="true"/>Give the entire party a quest for a subclass
<set name="buff_party_reward" value="1243;6;1" />Apply a buff to the entire party when a mob dies. Description skill_id;skill_level;skill_time_multiplier
You can specify a set, you must specify all 3 parameters for each value="1243;6;1;1204;2;1"
<set name="give_pvp_point" value="1;100"/>Give pvp points to the entire party. 1(count);100(chance)
<set name="give_pk_point" value="1;100"/>Give pk points to the whole party 1(count);100(chance)
<set name="distribution_items_reward" value="57;1"/>
<set name="distribution_items_reward_level_penalty" value="9" />
<set name="distribution_items_reward_chance" value="100" />
Grant items to the entire CC/party/Solo when they kill the boss/mob.
Level penalty for item distribution from `distribution_items_reward_level_penalty` - default value 9
Chance to get an item - can be separated through ; each item from the array. If the quantity does not match - takes the last one

All of these conditions can be used separately or together for different NPC IDs.

If there are sensible suggestions - I will gladly listen and implement.
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@Deazer , is it possible to add chance to the items here?
<set name="distribution_items_reward" value="57;1"/> Like57;1;20 (means that drop 1 adena with 20% chance)?
Please add an option like minimum damage to make
<set name="min_dmg" value="3000"/> // the player need to make minimum 3k dmg to the mob/boss to earn reward.
Some people just come and hit 1 time the boss and get a reward... is little annoying.
<set name="distribution_items_reward" value="57;1"/>
Is it possible to add multiply ID's to the distribution_item_reward?

P.S - distribution_items_reward is working only for the player is party or? I tried 1 party with 3 ppl and 1 solo player. Only the party get the drop, the solo player don't get anything.
@Deazer any suggestions?
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