How to create your own service mob or raid

Good morning Deazer, is it possible to create a parameter so that only those who are ATTACKING the mob/boss get the flag? The current setup leaves everyone around Flag
Good morning Deazer, is it possible to create a parameter so that only those who are ATTACKING the mob/boss get the flag? The current setup leaves everyone around Flag
<set name="type" value="FlaggingOnHitMob"/><set name="type" value="FlaggingOnHitBoss"/>
<set name="type" value="FlaggingOnHitMob"/><set name="type" value="FlaggingOnHitBoss"/>
I did several tests here, unfortunately this parameter does not work with the Baium boss. apparently it was created for common raidbosses. When you change the type of the Baium boss it gives an error on the gameserver when it wakes up, if you add it below, accumulating two types, the error also happens, leaving the ai_type as Baium or UniversalFighter, the same thing also happens. Putting the type inside <ai> nothing happens, unfortunately it is not functional

I'll still need a call from @Deazer
is it possible to add single buff to only 1 char?
Like <set name="buff_reward" value="1243;6;1" />
I want anais
What exactly?

when I die I get all flag

<npc id="29096" name="Anais" title="Lord of Splendor">
<set name="aggroRange" value="1000"/>
<set name="ai_type" value="AdventureBoss"/>
<set name="baseAtkRange" value="40"/>
<set name="baseCON" value="57"/>
<set name="baseCritRate" value="40"/>
<set name="baseDEX" value="73"/>
<set name="baseHpMax" value="480890.351"/>
<set name="baseHpRate" value="1"/>
<set name="baseHpReg" value="147.845"/>
<set name="baseINT" value="76"/>
<set name="baseMAtk" value="2290"/>
<set name="baseMAtkSpd" value="3819"/>
<set name="baseMDef" value="1085"/>
<set name="baseMEN" value="80"/>
<set name="baseMpMax" value="2051.19"/>
<set name="baseMpReg" value="3.21"/>
<set name="basePAtk" value="6164"/>
<set name="basePAtkSpd" value="253"/>
<set name="basePDef" value="2004"/>
<set name="baseRunSpd" value="160"/>
<set name="baseSTR" value="60"/>
<set name="baseShldDef" value="0"/>
<set name="baseShldRate" value="0"/>
<set name="baseWIT" value="70"/>
<set name="baseWalkSpd" value="60"/>
<set name="collision_height" value="41.8"/>
<set name="collision_radius" value="16.0"/>
<set name="level" value="80"/>
<set name="rewardExp" value="3608496"/>
<set name="rewardRp" value="3888"/>
<set name="rewardSp" value="952059"/>
<set name="shots" value="NONE"/>
<set name="texture" value=""/>
<set name="type" value="RaidBoss"/>
<faction name="solina_clan" range="1000"/>
Is there a parameter for all players who attack the raid boss to receive an item when the raid dies? (regardless of whether you are in a party or not)
Hello, the system for subclass has an error, give the quest to 1 party to the party that hits the most, they should correct it, give it subclass to all the parties, killing the raid
The subclass service does not work when more than one party kills the raid boss.
Do users need additional requirements?