Multiprotocol rev.310 [EN]


Head Developer
Staff member
  • Corrections for PawnShop after reworking Grade
  • Decoupled item grades, crystals, and stat modifiers for enchanting by moving them from the code to the datapack. Guide is here
  • Prices for the service of fitting items have been moved to the config
  • Fix social actions for Classic
  • Added config AltShowWeakMobsDroplist
  • Reworked Erase effect
  • Moved quests from PTS Magical Power Of Fire Part 1 and Magical Power Of Fire Part 2
  • Correction of cutscenes turning off for bosses
  • Fixed visual display of attacks with soulshots
  • Fix Karma C6 and fix Restart Points
  • Fix bypass to Quests for C6 revision
  • Rewrite PerKillReward for PvPEvents
  • Cleaned out the pvp event config
  • Added config for Unsummoning pets at PvPEvent
  • Move form PTS An Ice Merchants Dream quest
  • Improved quest The Other Side Of Truth
  • Cleaned out the pvp event config
  • Fix shtos activation for C6 rev.
  • BotCheckService does not check the player in auto farming
  • Fix skill learn list for Interlude revision
  • Fix Hero aura for Interlude ver
  • Added GM commands //para - the functionality is the same as //block and added //unpara //para_party //para_block
  • One more rework for zones.
  • Added command for GMs //add_clan_skill target <id> <level> //give_all_clan_skills target
  • Ooooops! Correction for Siege zone entering after zones rework
  • The problem with the speed of movement of mobs has been completely fixed
  • Ketra and Varka NPC does not talk to players not only if they are in opposing camps, but also if there is no faction at all
  • Move from PTS quests Magical Power of Water - Part 1 and Magical Power of Water - Part 2
  • Added separation of drop type and button in rewardlist_info.htm
  • Add lost VIP skill and correct for RequestExAddEnchantScrollItem
  • Added VIP system
  • Added skills, items, rewards, VIP scrolls
  • Added an example with VIP items and VIP rewards to prime_shop.xml
  • Added admin command for VIP poits Usage: //add_vip_points count <target>
  • The logic of zones with the no_restart type has been completely redesigned
  • Redesigned admin function for server information
  • Baium's logic put into official form
  • Cleaned up the player code from illogical code when working with zones and moved it to a logical place
  • Archangel have agro range 2000
  • !!!ATTENTION!!!!!!ВНИМАНИЕ!!! Items have been extracted from the code and actions for the items have been implemented.
  • Augmentation info to trade packet Interlude.
  • Correction Capture Flag AFK protect
  • Correction for gnosis teleport
  • Shift+Click spawn info also apply time modificator
  • Impl Core zone
  • Added Deep Red mobs penalty
  • Expanded quest system
  • Impl new Event Listener system
  • Added activateHero event
  • Added augmentSuccess
  • Added onQuestFinish
  • Added an option for enchant scrolls that allows you to sharpen to a random enchant from increment="" is min level and to increment_max="" max level
  • Fix double consume enchant scrolls
  • Now you can insert enchantment scrolls if you have run out of blessed ones - you can insert regular ones without closing the enchantment window
  • IMPORTANT NOTICE: Changes to PvP event configuration
  • ВАЖНОЕ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Изменения в конфигурации PvP ивентов
  • EN -
  • RU -
  • Expanded functionality of enchant stones
  • System for moving the keyboard(WASD) and pressing the right and left mouse buttons has been redesigned
  • Add to UniversalNpc
  • Добавлены в UniversalNpc [npc_%objectId%_SkillList|Learn Skills] [npc_%objectId%_SkillEnchantList|I want to enchant a skill.] [npc_%objectId%_create_clan_check|Create New Clan]
  • A new type of reward distribution has been added for Universal mobs. With the distribution_items_reward parameter, it will be distributed across the СС if there is one, then to the Party if there is one, and if the player is not in a party and not in the СС gives a solo player
  • Сondition has been added to the penalty formula for calculating drops if the mob’s level is higher
  • Fix Skill enchant for Classic version
  • Fix basic buttons for RU version
  • add acp_interface
  • correction of crystallization service
  • Community Change name correction
  • The zone limited by IP has been reworked
  • Added a system for limiting windows by IP
  • Impl listeners OnEnchantItem and Onenchant Skill success
  • New listener onSetActiveSub added. Exxample:
  • Fix pet skills add to AutoFarm pannel
  • Conditions for players to start selling buffs have been added
  • To remove noble status //setnoble already on the target by a player with noble
  • Sales through CB were carried out normally. Also do not forget enable AltAllowRemoteSellItems = True if need it
  • Simple bypass for ACP
  • cg-all update messages
  • Full rework system messages.
  • Impl autoLoot stats for skills
  • <add order="0x10" stat="autoLootAll" val="1" /> - AutoLoot for all items <add order="0x10" stat="autoLootHerb" val="1" /> - AutoLoot for Herbs <add order="0x10" stat="autoLootAdena" val="1" /> - AutoLoot for Adena
  • Impl sell buff service
  • Fix some SystemMessages