Update Rev.14004


Head Developer
Staff member
  • Divided the start time of events for each event and also left the possibility of a global launch as before https://lucera2.com/threads/important-notice-changes-to-pvp-event-configuration.4927/
  • !!!ATTENTION!!! Items have been extracted from the code and actions for the items have been implemented.
  • Added separation of drop type and button in rewardlist_info.htm Available filters: RATED_GROUPED, NOT_RATED_GROUPED, NOT_RATED_NOT_GROUPED, SWEEP
  • Config for adding bypasses without obfuscation
  • The logic of zones with the no_restart type has been completely redesigned
  • Redesigned admin function for server information
  • Baium's logic put into official form
  • Cleaned up the player code from illogical code when working with zones and moved it to a logical place
  • Archangel have agro range 2000
  • Move from PTS quests Magical Power of Water - Part 1 and Magical Power of Water - Part 2
  • Added command for GMs //add_clan_skill target <id> <level> //give_all_clan_skills target
  • Cosmetic for no restart zone
  • BBS main page is also not shown if AllowBBSAbnormal = false
  • Cleaned up the code for the player, preparing for the implementation of a new zone types
  • Correction Daimon the White-Eyed
  • Cosmetic for PvP event
  • Fixed a bug where the event would still start on time even if it was turned off
  • Made event activation more flexible and more informative and added foolproofing
  • Ooops. Lil correct for //pvpevent menu
  • Code clean and cosmetic for PvP events