O OurLastnight Heir Customer Jan 21, 2021 #2 Aristotle said: where can I see the land rate of the skills like stun root etc? Click to expand... /data/stats/skills
Aristotle said: where can I see the land rate of the skills like stun root etc? Click to expand... /data/stats/skills
Aristotle Heir Jan 22, 2021 #3 so this is the land rate of stun shot lvl 40? 50% land rate? Attachments stun1.webp 26.8 KB · Views: 13
Deazer Head Developer Staff member Jan 22, 2021 #5 Aristotle said: is there any buffs, dyes or anything that increase stun land rate? Click to expand... https://lucera2.com/threads/all-about-skills-and-effects-guide.1932/
Aristotle said: is there any buffs, dyes or anything that increase stun land rate? Click to expand... https://lucera2.com/threads/all-about-skills-and-effects-guide.1932/