- Full rework system message
- System for moving the keyboard(WASD) and pressing the right and left mouse buttons has been redesigned
- Expand functions for Universal NPC
- Added town config for BBS teleport
- Expanded quest system
- Impl new Event Listener system https://lucera2.com/threads/new-event-listener-system.4907/
- Added activateHero event https://lucera2.com/threads/activat...nie-svoix-dejstvij-poluchenie-gerojstva.4905/
- Added augmentSuccess https://lucera2.com/threads/onaugment-event-trigger-vypolnenie-svoix-dejstvij-augmentacii.4904/
- Added onQuestFinish https://lucera2.com/threads/onquest...e-svoix-dejstvij-pri-zavershenii-kvesta.4903/
- A new type of reward distribution has been added for Universal mobs. With the distribution_items_reward parameter, it will be distributed across the СС if there is one, then to the Party if there is one, and if the player is not in a party and not in the СС gives a solo player https://lucera2.com/threads/how-to-create-your-own-service-mob-or-raid.4022/
- Сondition has been added to the penalty formula for calculating drops if the mob’s level is higher
- lil correction for remove_cooldown command
- cosmetics for Confirm Dialog
- Fix Confirm Dialog window after System Message rework
- Fix admin skills menu
- Correction Gnosis teleport
- Added the ability to withdraw tax as a percentage for sales on PawnShop
- //ssq_cabal GM command reworked. Now not need to set obj_id of player + detail description //ssq_cabal PlayerName cabal(1 - dusk,2 - dawn) seal(1 - avarice, 2 - gnosis, 3 - strife)
- Additional chat message when game windows are limited
- lil correct for UniversalNpc
- Add to UniversalNpc
[npc_%objectId%_SkillList|Learn Skills]
[npc_%objectId%_SkillEnchantList|I want to enchant a skill.]
[npc_%objectId%_create_clan_check|Create New Clan]
- Spawn time modifier also affects the data in the shift click
- Correction for Core zone and add new message
- Full rework system message
- Added the ability to add your custom messages when entering/exiting a zone
- Update CGM module
- Correction for CaptchaBotCheckService service and correct skill for it
- Percentage of experience loss was moved from the code to a table in the configs! ATTENTION! DO NOT FORGET ADD CONFIG!!!
- The config has been divided into the minimum level of enchantment for Pawn Shop
- Added sub class listener for universal NPC
- correction of crystallization service
- Community Change name correction
- The zone limited by IP has been reworked
- Added a system for limiting windows by IP
- Impl listeners OnEnchantItem and Onenchant Skill success https://lucera2.com/threads/new-listener-onskillenchantsuccess.4827/ https://lucera2.com/threads/new-listener-onitemenchantsuccess.4826/
- New listener onSetActiveSub added. Exxample: https://lucera2.com/threads/new-listener-onsetactivesub.4812/
- Fix pet skills add to AutoFarm pannel